Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Raising People

Being a parent is challenging on so many levels. The biggest challenge I have is the fact that I am partly responsible for raising people. Little people that will become big people and hopefully contribute to society..and not with community service.I'm overwhelmed with the idea that I am an influence on someones (2 someones) personalities. However sometimes I think that dusty is mostly responsible given the personality traits of Gus & Simon that are unfavorable. Like kicking and screaming when you take them OUT of the bathtub...who does that?
I've talked about this with friends before and worry about it a lot. We as parents can raise our children in a happy home, take them to church, equip them with our highest knowledge, and yet they still have to make the choice to go right or left. I'm sure each person can name someone they know that was "raised right" that chose the wrong lane. Granted, we've all branched off the paved road and some have even gotten lost in the woods, but I'm talking about the people that choose the dirt path with roots tripping them along the way. This path, is the one I want to keep my kids from even hearing about.
Gus has a friend at school that is a little bit "dirt path" and he thinks this kid is so cool. This worries me. If my 4 year old already prefers trouble makers then I have reason to believe my corralling skills are going to have to sharpen to keep him not exactly on the straight and narrow but at least on the 4 lane.
No matter how hard we try as parents to steer our children, anytime they act out or someone else hears of something they've done, it immediately falls back on the "parenting" Ever heard "product of your raisin"? Basically, I'm trying to make a disclaimer that if my boys turn out bad, we did our best ok?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Kids these days

"Gus-pick up your shoes and take them inside" "GASH! Do I have to do everything around here?" Yes son, you have to cook and clean and maintain this household.
There are days when you want to talk to your child like they are adults, but you gotta catch yourself and hold it in! He seems to be an adult most days. Gus has always been mature. Sometimes that's a good thing and sometimes, it bites us in the rear:) I'll tell him to keep his hands to himself and I get- But I gotta give you a hug with my hands Mamma. True, and I do love hugs.
He's very independent too. Always has been. He wants to do everything himself, which is normally fine, unless you are wanting to accomplish anything else that day. Pulling him out of the bed takes about 10 minutes. Getting dressed in the mornings is a 30 minute process. Brushing his teeth takes about 5 minutes. Eating breakfast is another 10-15 minutes. Putting shoes on is about 3 minutes. Then comes the rituals. Get a hug, kiss, noggin, Eskimo kiss, pirate kiss and then another hug. Grab his blanket and fight to get his chocolate milk out of his hand and then out the door. So, he needs to be up at 4am really. If you don't do these things in order, you're destined for a bad day. Or should I say, Pre-school is destined for a bad day. Which we try to avoid for teachers and other kids sake.
Simon seems to be maturing equally as fast. He now says "mama, guh, no, ball" He points and plays ball and peep-eye. When he plays peep-eye, sometimes only one eye gets covered all the way...but the pride he has when he pulls his hands away just melts my heart:) He's been walking for 2 1/2 months already and is fixing to turn 1 on 9/7. Where did the past year go? It doesn't matter how hard you try on a daily basis, you never can quite soak it all in. My memories of him being an infant are already fading. Gus being Simon's age is a distant memory.
Uncle and Abbey just brought Gus a "knife" back from Montana. Complete with a leather/fringed Indian pouch for it to be stored in. Last night he came into my room and said "If you see any alligators, you call me, and I'll come chop em up with my knife" Will do buddy! He slept all night with his knife in his bed. I felt safer.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Energetically tired

Feeling very tired today. Energetically tired. Does that make sense? My mind is energized, the rest of me is tired. As usual, I have spread myself thin and have entirely too much going on at one time.
We are moving a little bit every single day. I'm helping one of my dearest friends move. Our garden is overflowing. Picking up my sitter and taking her home everyday (till her car is fixed) Starting a new children's program at church. Unpacking and arranging the new place. Trying to catch up with my Dad before he goes out of town. Cleaning offices. Working 40 hours. Football practice. Oh, and being a mom.
We had the bright idea to move a little bit every day so that when it came to "moving day" it wouldn't be a mad rush to get everything done all at once. Because, if you know me, I'm not going to bed until everything has found a home. Lego's included. I still think it's a good idea. Just tiring every single day instead of one whole weekend. Hopefully we will be all done Friday and will be able to enjoy our weekend a bit:)
I laid in bed last night counting backward from 100...about 30 times and finally said to myself "forget it, just get up and pack" so I did. Until it's all done, I won't get any rest.
Gus and Simon keep me smiling and I know that it's worth it for them. They are going to enjoy their new space and Dusty and I will certainly enjoy our new sleep...Gus won't be able to wake Simon up when he's heading to bed..Simon won't wake Gus up when he gets up to eat. Ahhhhhhh...I hear the silence now!
I'm so excited to cook in my new kitchen and plan on using every dish in the house because I will have a dishwasher. Yeah buddy! Also, a bathtub! You just don't know how much I've missed soaking in the tub. As well as giving kids an actual bath and not a shower. Babies get slippery when wet.