Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Lying is built in from birth. All kids start lying to get out of trouble, to get what they want, or for sport. But parents lie too. I do.
Yesterday I went to pick Gus up from school and asked him to get all of his things out of his cubby. He came back with his blanket, his lunchbox, and a long stuffed blue lizard. I asked, is that your lizard? Yes. Where did you get it? From the prizebox. You got THAT lizard from the prizebox? Yes. (the prize box is a shoe size box) Let me ask Ms. Lisa. No. Ms. Lisa, did Gus get this lizard from the prizebox? No he did not-that belongs to someone else. Gus, you need to put that back where it goes. Why did you tell me it was yours? Oh, I guess it got down out of his cubby and walked into mine. ALL LIES!
Then on the way home he asked me if Uncle and Abbey were at Mammies house. No, not today buddy. They're at their house. Pulled up at Mammie's and there's Uncle and Abbey.
Mommy, I don't want any vegetables on my plate. Son, all you have is corn, beans and burger...there are no vegetables on your plate.
And my best lie of all. As I took Simon to his first day of school with his big brother this morning, I coached him on how to be a good big brother and this is the lie I told. Did you know that Uncle is my big brother and when we were in school, he would protect me and not let anyone hurt me. He was always good and kind to me because I was his little sister. He never wanted anything bad to happen to me. And you're just like Uncle aren't you-a good big brother? And he bought my lie and smiled:)
Now, part of this wasn't a lie, as I NOW have a good big brother...but the younger years...not so much!

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