Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cleanliness is next to...

Well I try to keep things clean, but with a toddler, that task is next to impossible. If I had it my way, we would live in a white house with white walls, white carpet, white cabinets, white tile, white towels, white appliances, and white furniture. Except when you add life to a home, it becomes dingy. Boooo. Don't like dingy.
When Gus first started getting around the house and dragging toys out, I would spend every evening putting everything back into it's place. Even the puzzle pieces had to be with the correct puzzles, the army men in their designated bucket, the cars had their own basket, and the rings were stacked on the post. Fast forward 2 years and you find me kicking through toys in order to clear a path to whichever room I'm trying to get in to. My carpet has been painted with butter and my cabinets with chocolate syrup. When we need new carpet I'm looking for a buttery chocolate color. Just to be safe.
You know those houses that you go to where everything is all perfect? Those people that get to have glass tables with no smudges and cream colored carpet and couches....ugh, seems so bland. You see that they have uncolored walls (I mean colored by crayola) and space. I forgot what space was. Now everything is jammed into any open spot possible. You see their "space" and think of how many things you could fit in there. I could put a loveseat, a toddler chair, the entire "Handy Manny" playset, a drum, 2 army men buckets, and 14 big wheels in that "space".
So, if cleanliness is next to Godliness, then what does that make me? A Mom. A mom who cares more about spending time playing baseball in the front yard than scrubbing carpets. A little dirt is good for immunity anyway, right?

1 comment:

  1. You just described me to a T! That first year, every day when the girls went down for a nap I would pick up all the toys and arrange the books neatly on the bottom shelf of the entertainment center. They'd wake up and immediately drag everything back out. And at bedtime I'd do it all over again. Oh, to have that kind of time and energy now! Now I can hardly walk in any of the kids' bedrooms and I'm just too tired to care. That's the biggest thing I dread about moving this weekend! LOL!
