Friday, May 21, 2010

Unkillable virus

After being in bed for several days and then dealing with a very sick little boy, I decided I need an outlet, so blogging it is. No one is available to talk to during the day and I already talk Dusty's ear off when he gets home, so at least this way, people can choose if they wanna "listen" to me.
May is always a very busy month for us. We walk every year in the Cystic Fibrosis walk that I work hard trying to raise money for and never seem to reach my goal. Then we have everything going on with the SSG Charlie Bagwell Memorial Scholarship, that we never seem to reach our goal on. We have to grade the applications, then interview the applicants, and on to the grand finale of our annual benefit concert. Then, there's Gus' birthday. I'm usually worn out by the time this comes around. This year however, my off week has been struck by the unkillable virus. Saturday after the benefit concert, it hit me. I figured I just worked myself too hard seeing as how I'm 23 weeks pregnant. ( I think, I keep losing track of this) Funny how that happens the second pregnancy. Anyhoo, it didn't stop all day Sunday and Sunday night and then into Monday. To try and save my job, I went on to work on Tuesday- dumb. Sick again. Then Wednesday mid morning- the virus strikes my son.
Now any mother knows that catching vomit is about as glamourous as it gets in motherhood. But we don't care. We just want our babies better. We don't mind that last nights hot dog is on our shirt and some applesauce is in our hair- ok, maybe we mind, but there is literally nothing we can do about it. These are the messes where you just stop and stare and say, where do I even begin? Can I take everything and everybody effected straight to the shower?
And if anyone is wondering where Dad is- he's asleep. He has to work tomorrow. When there is a sick kid- it's just assumed that Mommie doesn't have a job the next day. Dusty does get up from time to time, to go do investigative work. However, that's where it begins and ends. A couple of weeks ago Gus woke up crying and Dusty goes in to investigate and comes back so pleased that he solved the crime. "It's his toe, the one the nail is barely hanging on cause he hurt it while somebody was watching him at that thing we were at" Congrats big guy, but the baby is still crying? Allow me, I've almost gotten an hours worth of sleep tonight between the baby doing riverdance in utereo making me get up to pee every hour. See I'm one of these people that it takes a while to get to sleep, so once I'm up, I'm up. I give Dusty a hard time about falling asleep once his head hits the pillow- this is jealousy.
So Gus is sick and I'm recovering and steel immune system Dad is still fine and eating everything in the cupboards like he's unafraid of this unkillable virus. My hero!! Luckily he has done all the housework and managed to get Gus to school and back on the days that I was sick. Nothing really unusual about that though since Gus rides with him back and forth most everyday. See- they're best friends according to Gus.
Do you know how many food commercials are on during the day??


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. After having that food poisoning bout I cannot imagine having a stomach bug + being pregnant + having a sick toddler. You = SUPERWOMAN!
