Monday, May 30, 2011


Who knew that making slight decisions would make such a huge difference. You would think that something that has a major outcome would take a sit down, talk it over, maybe even sleep on it decision making process. Not the case with kids.
It's more a fly by the seat of your pants and see what happens. I recently won the mother of the year award for one such decision.
Gus had a very bad day at school, and continued to have a bad day on the t-ball field. I needed milk, so the decision to stop at the grocery store was already made. I threatened Gus with his usual threats, and gave him some rewards to look forward to if he was good. Well, he was very good. He sat in the buggy, helped me stack some groceries and was very good to his brother. It all took a turn for the worse when we got to the parking lot. I unloaded all of the groceries while Simon sat in the buggy and Gus stood on the front. I grabbed my purse and Simon and went to put him in the car-"don't move Gus or you'll get hit by a car" turn, walk, "don't push the buggy Gus, you'll hit a car" turn back, "Gus stop doing that or you'll fly into that car" turn, put Simon in his seat, out of the corner of my eye, catch a flash of cart+Gus headed towards a car 3 spots, turn the corner and cue Simon falling head over heals towards the pavement. I lunge forward and my purse goes sailing spilling out all of the contents into the gust of wind, fall on my knees and get my hand under Simon's......foot. Yay. I saved his foot and let his head hit the concrete. Perfect outcome.
Other people are walking through the parking lot looking at me like "How on earth did you just let so many things go wrong at one time" "Where is DSS when you need them?" I felt like the worst mom on planet earth, and planet 51. Which kid to save-the decision seemed easy-the one in danger. But as I'm learning, someone is always in danger. Usually, everyone is in danger when kids are involved. So everyone is fine except for my shin which suffered road rash.


  1. Ahhh!!! Classic Mommy story! How will we survive? Lord. And people look at you like you meant to do that. Nope - didn't drop my baby lady, he fell. Thanks!

  2. Tell the lady smoking in the car with windows rolled up & her 2 kids in back with no carseats to stop giving you nasty looks!
