Thursday, May 12, 2011

These days

Now that I'm back to work and life is going 100 mph, I've got time to blog:)
Being back at work is not as hard as I thought it would be. I guess once you've left the 1st one, the 2nd one isn't so bad. You realize that they will be there at the end of the day. I miss holding him while he goes to sleep and the sweet smiles and giggles. Simon is such an easy going kid. If I would have had him first, I would have told you I would have 10 more kids. Gus...however did not cause that same feeling.
He has loved being back in school and is excited to tell us his days events. He's equally excited if he goes into or avoids the grumpy seat. To him, pride can be for doing good or bad! He's starting to get the hang of it though. We signed him up to play t-ball and his world away from mom and dad has begun. He goes out on the field and listens to his coaches, throws a random ball, slides into 2nd, and leaves us behind. He does like to come over and get high fives after making it all the way around the bases. I have a feeling we are going to be spending a lot of time on the sidelines for the next 18 years (or longer if they apply themselves unlike their father...still hate seeing those recruiting letters from colleges) Gus is into baseball, football, soccer,basketball,volleyball,kickball,hockey,golf, and if I've missed anything-then that too.
Track is still going on. 2 kids made it to regionals and will compete on Saturday at WCU. I have the annual CF walk on Saturday morning and then will be headed up town to hang flyer's for the SSG Charlie Bagwell Memorial Scholarship fun, and then hopefully a little time with family. The following weekend will be our actual benefit, then the next weekend is Gus' birthday party and White Squirrel Festival. May is the never ending month, but I'm so glad to be a part of everything that I'm involved in.
Life may be going 100mph, but I have learned how to take the time for important things, like hugs, pulling snails out of the dryer and slobbery kisses!!

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