Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sleepwalkers and babies don't mix

Maybe you readers are getting tired of poop stories, but in my house, they just keep coming.
We have finally established a routine with Simon for night feedings. The first time he gets up, Dusty goes in and gives him a bottle, props him up on the boppy and leaves the room. I go in on the next cry of starvation and gently rock him while feeding him and change his diaper and lay him back down. Last night was different. Very different.
Dusty was not feeling well so I took the first shift. Later in the night, Dusty took his turn of going in to give Simon a bottle. He came back and laid down and about 5 minutes later, Simon was still fussing. I roused and Dusty said-ughghgh, he needs a new diaper, he's peed through that one and it's all over the bed. Ok, if you knew that had happened, why did you not change him. He jumps up, slams the covers and goes in and I hear-"OH GREAT" Then he comes into the room holding Simon like a sack of potatoes under his arm-naked demanding "where are the wipes" So I just get on up and go into the boys room....squish. "Why is there poop on my foot?" "Cause that's where it was when I found it on him" "You found the poop on Simon as he levitated in the air beside his crib?" "No, I can't find the wipes" "Why is he naked, where is his diaper?" "You try changing a baby when you don't feel good" Ok, now I realize that Dusty is sleepwalking while holding the baby, and I have poop on the bottom of my foot with no wipes in sight.
I hop into the kitchen and get a paper towel to handle my situation for the moment, come back and ask Dusty calmly and gently to give Simon to me and go back to bed. So he sits Simon on the changing table-poop side down. Hmmph. Breathing. Breathing. Get Simon changed, clean the crib, clean the changing table, clean the floor, go clean my foot again for safe measure, and head back to bed. Cue alarm clock.
So I question Dusty about the mornings events and he bust out laughing about me stepping in poop.

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