Thursday, June 30, 2011

Look at who we have

I've talked about the American Dream before and how it means different things to different people. We, like a lot of people, struggle to make it through week to week, paycheck to paycheck. It's life. We aren't any better than anyone else, and we don't deserve anything special. We have 2 cars, 2 kids, 2 daycare costs, and countless bills. We get it paid. Some months, it's scrappy groceries-but we get it paid.
It would be easy to wallow in our sadness over stuff we don't have. First and foremost, I'd love to have my own house. I'd love to have a singlewide trailer. Something that was mine-my own space (our family's own space) I don't mind being around to take care of my grandmother. I'd do anything in the world for her and want to see her stay at home. But living with anyone will eventually wear on you and cause issues. You have to put yourself aside completely as a mother and as a caretaker for an elderly person. You are on their time! More stuff I'd like-lots of clothes and shoes and new furniture and stuff that I don't even have room for. Yeah-stuff!!
Most people are in the same boat as us. They get help from their parents be it monetary, caretaking of their grandkids to avoid daycare costs, or in our case, no rent/mortgage. We're all in the same boat in one way or another. Unless you're what "us people" call rich and actually own your home and all your stuff.
But you know what-it's ok. We are happy. We know that stuff won't make us happy. Money would just cause us to buy more stuff or things that we don't really need. We are ok just getting by because it's what we do and who we are for this moment in time. Soon enough the boys will be in school and we'll wonder what to do with all this extra money. Oh yeah, college tuition for 2! Soon enough, the boys will be out of the house and we'll have too much extra room, empty space. The house will be quiet and we will miss their voices.

Dusty and I stood in the kitchen this morning on our anniversary and I looked down at both of the boys and instead of saying, "look at all we have" I said "look at who we have!" What a wonderful blessing those boys are! They make up for all the stuff in the world.

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