Friday, June 10, 2011

Was that you?

We are gathered here today...what was the rest?
You know the ole American Dream? House, cars, kids, love, fences, hammocks, dog, lemonade, bbq's, evening strolls, summer breezes, etc. I think we have a few of those-I just can't find the time to enjoy them. "Stop and smell the roses" We have roses? That's been the past few months. Adding baby Simon has been like adding 5 new people. I don't know if it's because we had such a good routine and were 2 against 1, always out-numbering the little person, or if that's just what happens. This is a typical afternoon.
Dusty picks up Gus. I pick up Simon. We meet at the front door. Hello. Go in and Dusty unloads Gus' lunch box, I unload Simon's diaper bag. Usually there is a dirty diaper, so I wash it out and add it to the diaper pail. Dusty starts making lunches, I start making dinner. Oh, grab Simon a bottle. Put the bottle in the microwave, 31 seconds and...breaker tripped. Turn off the toaster, microwave bottle, it's 100 degrees-oh yeah, turn AC back on. Start some laundry, "I wanna go outside and play" let Gus out-make him swear to stay in the front yard, continue with dinner as Simon pulls on my shorts. Scream at Gus to get back in the front yard. BREAD'S BURNING!!
Sit down to eat dinner...Gus doesn't like it. What do you want...uh candy and ice cream. Ok, well just eat this instead. Dusty eats while Simon clings to me, I go eat while Dusty bribes Gus to eat bite by bite, then Dusty gets 2nds while I start cleaning.
We play.
I wash Simon in the kitchen sink, Dusty gives Gus a bath (or vice versa) WHERE IS SIMON'S towel? Breaker tripped. Did you put the clothes in the dryer? No, I thought you did. Bring me the wipes. Now I need diaper rash cream. You give Gus his medicine while I give Simon his. Wait, I already gave Gus his. No, you didn't. Well then I already gave it to Simon. Are you sure? No. Did you take your medicine today? either.
Time to put on jammers-which for whatever reason is also a signal that the end of the world is upon us. "I wanna do it myself" "Fine, do it" "I need help" "Ok" "Don't help me""Ok" "I'm telling" "Fine, tell" "Mommy-Daddy won't help me" ???? Do you want help or not???? Simon is falling asleep in my arms and Gus screams and wakes him up. Ok, I'm going to lay him in his crib- the only safe place for him in our home. "OK, Simon is asleep" "Bringing Gus in" Gus comes in- "I wanna read a stoooorrrryyy" Oh, lookey lookey, Simon's awake. One of us read's "OTIS" the story about a tractor-the same story we read every single night, night after night after night, and then we get ourselves ready for bed.
We're laying there and Gus comes in. 1. I need to go pee pee. 2. I need to brush my teeth. 3. I just forgot to give you guys hugs. 4. I need water. 5. I forgot to check on you guys. 6. There's a monster in my room. 7. Uhm, baby Simon flewed up (threw up) 8. There's a dragon snake under my bed. 9. Turn your TV off guys. 10. Just checking to see if you guys were scared. (That's the top 10 of an infinity of things that could go wrong)
Was that you I passed earlier with poop in your hair? Yeah, was that you hiding in the closet? Thought so.
Come to think of it, he never asks how I got the poop in my hair, and I never asked why he was hiding in the closet-it's pretty safe guessing either way.
Looking forward to our day date tomorrow-Walmart, here we come!!!


  1. This brought on a migraine and I was just reading it.
    You know - it blows my mind to think about the people that have 3 and 4. How do they do it????

  2. And those single parents-YIKES!!
