Thursday, October 21, 2010

Honey....there's poop on the wall

Just thought I would blog about a typical day in the house of Robinson's. People tell me their kids are into everything...gimme a Gus Robinson please!

I'm 6 weeks away from having to go back to work and with the extreme cost of Simon's hypoallergenic formula, we've decided to keep Gus home until I go back to work so we can stock up on food for this baby (who needs to get a job)

Wake up time for Simon is around 6am. Usually Dusty takes him into the living room and puts him in the swing, so I can get one hour of solid sleep. Then I get up and have about 30 mins until Gus starts screaming "you gotta come get me, I need chocolate milk...I need a poptart" So I get him all set and get back to Simon. During the morning I have to do all the necessary baby needs for Simon, diapers, bottles, rocking, etc. I also have to dance to the Hot Dog dance on Micky Mouse Funhouse about 14 times. We have to hold hands and dance around, run from his room to the kitchen and then crash into the couch.

Gus gets dressed- like a Tiger (in his uniform) mid-morning, and wears his helmet while doing some more laps around the house. Regardless of how many times I beg him to be quiet when Simon is sleeping, he still comes screaming through the house. I threaten to call his Daddy which works...for about 3 mins and he's back to screaming. SCREAMING! We eat lunch, which consists of Gus eating lunch, Simon having a bottle and me forgetting to eat. All of this time, I've made the beds, picked up toys, done laundry (from the 3am changing on our bed where poop caused a sheet change) and washed dishes/bottles. I usually vacuum every other day..poptarts, leaves and shreds of various foods liter our floor.

The afternoon 3 hour nap that Simon takes, allows me to go outside with Gus. He loves to dig in the flowerbed, occasionally taking out a few flowers/bulbs...running every rolling toy he has down the hill, and if we've gone on a walk and I left the stroller out- I have found that in the front yard as well! He picks up wooly worms and lines them all up on the porch. It's amazing how still they stay, after he's killed them with a dozer. (which reminds me of the lady bugs- they take naps in our dryer) Then we have the fight about coming back inside...which ends in my 100th time of counting to 3 for that day. He has a snack and that's when it usually hits me that I forgot lunch...but I do nothing about this because Simon needs to be changed and a bottle.

Around 5, i start getting excited thinking about Dusty being home in another 2 1/2 hours! I start dinner and get Simon down for another nap. Gus is still screaming through the house playing Ice Road Truckers with his little toys. He talks about "going in the ditch" "Heading up the ice cut to Fairbanks through Prudhoe Bay" Amazing what he soaks in...good and bad. I answer the questions "Do we say damnit, or no?" "Do we say stupid, or no?" "Do we say butt , or no?" approximately 10 times...per hour.

Dusty gets home around 7:30-THANK GOD!! We pass by each other as he goes to put down today's haul and start his new bag for tomorrow. While he eats dinner, I make bottles for the next 24 hours and Simon is in the swing...Gus is asking me more questions and I divert to Daddy. After dinner, Dusty comes into the kitchen and makes his lunch for the next day while I give Simon a bath on the counter. Then Dusty and Gus go to take a shower, while I get Gus' jammies ready, get his chocolate milk ready fill his humidifier, turn down his bed, fill Simon's humidifier, get his blanket, diapers, wipes, pacifier, change of clothes, burp cloth, boppy and take it into our room, & get his bottle ready. Then I wash any dishes left while Dusty puts on Gus' jammies all the while entertaining Simon.

Dusty settles into the glider rocker to feed Simon while I go in to change what I thought was poop in Gus' pull-up. There's nothing there,,,but I smell it? So I get him changed, settle him into bed with his chocolate milk, read him a story, say our prayers, and he blesses everyone he can think of to delay bedtime (including his daddy's nickles (nipples) one night) and I go to leave the room..only behind the door I find the smell and I yell at Dusty...Honey....there's poop on the wall, and the door, and the door frame, and the changing table.

Good night!

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