Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Been a while since my last blog...however, I had a baby. I win. My excuse trumps.
I guess I'll start where I left off.
We went to the hospital at a decent hour-5:45am (not decent) and started getting ready for Simon's arrival. Changed into a beautiful gown, got super comfy in the hospital bed, and then here come the needles. I don't like needles. The nurse gently put the tube into my arm, and while it stung a little, it actually didn't hurt. However, I started having a vagal response. I asked Dusty to come take my covers off because I felt hot. Then I couldn't breathe, and then hearing loss, followed by some ammonia waived in my face and some thrashing. The ammonia they use...it isn't like normal ammonia..that stuff is STOUT! Finally everything came back together and I felt so embarrassed. Here I was fixing to get cut wide open and a flippin IV almost took me out!
I was so nervous about the surgery, thinking if the IV could have killed me..what would happen if the spinal tap had a worse effect. Well, I took it upon myself to tell anyone that came passing by my bed to let them know what had happened. No one was taking me seriously...uh hello...I could have died?? Well apparently, it's not deadly, but I felt like I was dying.
So the surgery went well...the nurse kept telling Dr. H that I was waiting on the bottom to fall out...which I was(due to the death scare earlier) I heard him say "This is a big baby, girl" I KNEW IT! I knew he was gonna be over 9lbs. I was right 9lbs 4 oz....now gimme that chunk so I can kiss his face off! He's perfect.
Letting Gus meet him for the first time was way more emotional than I ever expected..for Dusty. I was happy, don't get me wrong, but Dusty was completely overcome with pride for his two boys. That had to be the most perfect moment of my life. Time stood still as I sat watching Dusty's tears fall onto Gus' face, and Gus' face in complete awe of his new little brother. God is so good like that:)
Since we've been home, life is busier than ever. Simon eats well, but sleep is still semi-limited, at night anyway. He likes to sleep during the day when the lights are shining brightly and the TV is on. Go figure.
Gus has been a great brother and loves to help. He likes to play with all the "new" toys we've dragged out and thinks Simon wants: passy, bottle, mommy's milk, toys, a nap, or anything within his reach. I left them alone in the car to run into the dr's office to pick up some samples and when I came back out Gus had the funniest look on his face. I said, what's wrong son, and he said "Uhm, baby brother's just making me nervous"
I'll try to do a post in a few days of all the funny things Gus has said lately. First I have to get Dusty to help me remember. See, I can only remember a few things at a time lately. Had the hardest time logging on here...stupid passwords!

1 comment:

  1. Yeeeehaw! She's back!!!! I don't know how you found time or energy to post this
