Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Down to the wire

Well, in one week from today, I'll be staring into the eyes of my beautiful baby boy #2. I'm not as anxious to meet him as I was Gus. I know what to expect, and am just really more nervous about the 2nd c-section than anything else. The other night Dusty asked me if I was thinking about how having another baby in a week. Uhmm, yes. I am. I'm thinking about the c-section, the surgery itself scares me, the fact that he's gonna be taken away and I have to wait to see him. This bothers me. I know that 30 mins in life doesn't seem like long, but when all you want to do is hold and comfort your new little person that you spent 40 weeks growing, 30 mins is forever!
I'm also very anxious to see how Gus is going to adjust to the new kid. If I had a million guesses, I would use them all on one: He's going to be loving at first and super attentive, and when the new wears off- Day 5 we'll call it- he's going to be super jealous and want to be a baby himself.
Then there's the part where it's football season and Dusty is hardly home. Practice till 7:30 ish through the week, Thursday is light practice, unless there is a home JV game and then he goes to that..Friday games, if they're home, he's home by 11 ish, otherwise away games put him home anywhere from 12-2:30. Then the coaches meetings on Sunday go from 6-10pm. It's not that I don't have help or can't ask for help, it's the fact that I like to do things for myself and if I can't, then I like for Dusty to fill in. We like our family to be "our family". Of course sometimes you just gotta call for backup as a last resort.
Gus told me last night..."Hey, I gotta an idea! Let's name him, uhm, let's name him, uhm BABY BROTHER" I thought maybe he was really gonna come up with something I'd like and settle on. Nope. He has been so funny lately. Last week I took him to football practice to watch the Tigers and wait on his Daddy so we could go out for his birthday. We were waiting on Dusty to change clothes and I was singing along with the radio and Gus was in the backseat telling me to stop singing that I was hurting his ears. Of course he was on repeat and after the 20th time I turned around and said- well you're hurting my feeling with your ugly words, so if you want any of Daddy's birthday cake you need to stop hurting Mommie's feelings. You know my kid- he slings his hands up in the air, rolls his eyes and says "FINE, JUST SING THEN" I was like dang, he's rather suffer my voice than go without birthday cake. That's dedication. I didn't want to sing anymore anyway....

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