Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A ride to school

I've been used to Dusty driving Gus to school every morning, or just being at home with him all summer. This week, due to football practice, I've been taking on this responsibility. The first day, he cried and didn't want me to leave him. The second day he begged me to stay at home with him and tried to convince me that I didn't have to work anymore. (Tell it to the bills son) So today he comes busting out of his room screaming "Good Morning Mommie, I waked up!" AHHHH, gonna be a good day:)

He asked for his chocolate milk, which I already had ready so I handed that over. What would you like for breakfast I asked, poptarts, muffins, or cheesy eggs? "patart" was the answer. I was making my breakfast so I told him to come get it. Nope, he needs it brought to him. I figure why not keep him in a good mood and waddle his "patart" over to him on the couch in front of "Handy Manny".

We eat breakfast together and then I get him dressed for school in what I tell him is a new shirt that daddy picked out, so that he'll think it's cool and wear it. Out the door and into the car. Wait, where is his chocolate milk? Get out, go around the car to see if it's in his floorboard, nope, walk back around and found it on my bumper? Ok, let's go.

And he begins.....

"I'm gonna go to school and see my friends, that tree's gonna fall and bust our mailboxes and uncle will be so mad, theres the library so we gotta be quiet, noooo that's not the library, that's our church, I went to bible school there, it's not bible school today, there's our store, there's my barber shot, I'm gonna get my haircut yesterday, I cut my own hair at school, there's the dollar store, my daddy's gonna buy me a new motorcycle at the dollar store, I like to see my friends at school, the birds fly down and grab them bugs and fly to the tree and eat em up, cows eat grass and they eat grass for breakfast, and horses eat grass too, they eat it like this (makes horse eating grass noises"



"where we going Mommie" "I forgot your lunch"

"my lunchbox has Diego on it, my daddy painted it for me, we did finger paint on my lunchbox, you're gonna love it, I can see my house, say goodbye house mommie, you need to go faster mommie, now slow down or that police man will pull us over and be so mad at us, are you going faster mommie, let's see if we can find daddy at the football game, I will look with my "binacalars" I see daddy, he's my best friend, he has on his helmet for tackle ball, I don't see them footballs yet, let's look on the other field, I can't find them anywhere, this is my favorite song, I see my school, I'm gonna wash my hands and see my friends"

"Have a good day Gus.......Bye Gus......See ya this evening buddy.....Tell Mommie Goodbye??"
I guess he ran out of words.

1 comment:

  1. tackle ball! this is so cute! Glad you are keeping a good record of this. Good stuff
