Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some favorite sounds

This morning as Gus came running into our room and climbed up into bed with me (his daddy was already gone to the gym) I realized how much I love that sound. That sound being, his pull up crunching as he takes his little steps. Then he says, hey mommy, I'm getting in bed with you. He always makes sure that we know his next move, narrating his entire life really.
More morning sounds I love are hearing my grandmother walking upstairs. Just to know that she's awake for another day relieves me the same each and every day. I love to wake up to a good thunderstorm, when you can just tell the sky is going to stay dark all day. I love to hear Gus yell for his daddy in the mornings. "Dadday Rob in son" or he'll say "hey guys" And trust me, you want to hear him yelling for you, because if you go in and try to wake him before he's over. He's so much like his Dad:)
I love to hear my favorite song when I'm all alone in my car. I love to hear the intermingled laughter when Dusty and I get tickled about something. I love to hear waves crashing on the shore. I love to hear "I love you Mommy" and "Daddy, you're my best friend" I love to hear the guests you've been waiting for arriving in your driveway. I love to hear the microwave beep when your food is ready:) I love to hear "I've got a purprize for you Mommy, it's chocolate, it's ice crean" I love to hear happiness from a friend or family member. I love to hear good news. I love to hear the sounds a baby makes while drinking a bottle, all the little snuffs and sighs of satisfaction. I love to hear the crack of the bat when the Braves are down. I love to hear "Touchdown Tigers" be it, Rosman or Clemson. I love to hear, "smell this, it's terrible." I love to hear the commentators on Wipeout. I love to hear Dusty come home after a Friday night game. I love to hear a good song at church that produces chills and tears. I love to hear that it's 5 o'clock. I love to hear wind blowing through the trees warning of the upcoming storm. I love to hear the power come back on after days without it. I love to hear about snow in the forecast.
I also love to hear silence!

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