Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When is my break?

Maybe I was a healthy infant, I don't remember. Since then, I have had some weird stuff. Never just the common cold, I must have sinusitis with an upper respiratory infection alongside a double ear infection. Tonsils can't be normal- they were "cryptic tonsils" that had to be removed when I was 26. There is a reason you have your tonsils removed as a child. Allow me to explain. When you are a child you have less nerve endings in your throat, so ice cream is cure all. You never have strep throat or tonsillitis again! When you are 26, you apparently have 1 trillion nerve endings and can't even stand to swallow your liquid codeine, much less ice cream. Then after having your tonsils removed, you get strep throat about 6 months later.
I was blessed with mono at the age of 29. The Dr's couldn't believe I had never had it since it was the "kissing disease" Kinda makes me wonder how Dusty brought it home ya know? :)
When I was pregnant with Gus, a group of my friends all came down with a terrible virus. Some went to the hospital and were sent home, some got fluids and were sent home...but I had a nice 3 day stay in the maternity ward in complete isolation. Nurses and Dr's came in wearing full hazmat suits and wouldn't allow Dusty in without gloves and a face mask. It was GLAMOROUS!
Now pregnant again, I get this really cool condition called Pelvic Arthropathy. Short story- hormones cause the connective tissue of the pelvis to become soft thus allowing the pelvic bones to constantly shift. It hurts. I've been dealing with it though- and I think I've been dealing pretty well. Until Saturday.
Gus was left alone on the golf cart for maybe 20 seconds. Long enough for him to drive forward 4-5 ft and slam into a little rock wall. No damage to the cart or the wall, but his face hit the steering wheel causing a burn in between his eyes and on his cheek. I did what any mother would do- RUN. Run to the child, scoop him up and hold him tight. Only when I did, I felt a pop. Which makes me wonder, how do you feel a sound. Isn't "popping" a sound.
So now I find myself on 2 weeks of bed rest. Most pregnant women might say- bring it on. Not me. I am bored. I am lonely. I am tired. I am anxious. It hurts to lay down, stand up, walk, cough, or breathe too deeply. It's like being on a no carb diet- all you want is a bread sandwich. All I want is UP and OUT. Not to mention our annual HHI trip is scheduled for this Friday. Dr ok'd the trip, but no lifting, walking, standing, etc. Now that sounds like fun. Go to the beach, but don't GO to the beach. I know Dusty is super excited about carrying all of our bags in and taking Gus to the beach. What a vacation for the both of us. Still not sure it's the best idea, but like Dusty says- it's better to be laying on a couch on HHI than here at the house.
I feel like maybe I'll be a healthy old person. Just get all of this stuff out of the way early on in life and then live forever. I think I've eaten enough ice the past 3 days to preserve myself for a decade.

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