Monday, June 28, 2010

Reasons I love my husband

As we were sitting in church last Sunday wrangling our toddler in between us and out of the floor, I realized some little things that make me love Dusty so much.

Gus had just thrown his cereal bucket into the air and after a rain shower of honeycomb landed, we both started picking up all the little hexagons. I was swiftly putting mine back into the bucket and trying to keep eyes straight forward on the preacher. I noticed Dusty putting his into the bucket as well, only, not all of them. He would reserve a few for himself. I saw him lean over like he just couldn't quite make it into the bucket so he might as well eat it:)

So I started thinking deeper about all the little things he does that endears me to him. Take directions for example. He couldn't tell you where he was in the world at any given point in time. He'll point to Brevard and tell you it's Rosman. During our short stint of living in Waynesville, he actually turned the wrong way out of our driveway-to the dead end. I have tried to help give directions, which he calls backseat driving. So I decided I wouldn't do it anymore. After about 10 miles in the wrong direction on the interstate once, he said, "I went the wrong way huh". Yup, exit 49 was ours. He doesn't mind my "backseat driving" so much now.

I love how clumsy he is. At any point in time, you will find a scratch on his head. He hasn't yet realized how tall he is I guess. He will hit his head on the open hatch of his truck, nick it while shaving, hit it on the medicine cabinet, or hit it on the freezer door. If he's walking through the house, he will inevitably hit some part of his body on a wall, stair railing, stump his toe, or step on a toy. He has fallen out of bed and backwards in chairs more times than I can count. And it's true- the bigger they are, the harder they fall...and the harder I laugh.

I tend to take advantage of him in his most vulnerable state-sleep. I've never laughed as hard or had as much fun. I really should be scared just given his size, but I'm not. He's completely harmless:) I'll scream, pull his arm out from under his head, hit him with pillows, give him a love tap, or laugh really loud. He'll sit straight up like the world is ending and look around the room for the culprit. I just smile and ask if he's still awake. I'll throw cold water over the curtain while he's taking a hot shower. And my favorite is to just hide and scare him. I don't even have to hide well. Sometimes, he forgets I live there, so I can just round a corner and terrify him.

I also love how much he loves me and takes care of me. He makes sure to give me ample foot massages and grabs anything that I can't quite reach on the top shelf. He'd do anything in the world that I asked of him. He is, as Gus says "our hero"

Most of all, I love the wonderful man he is and how he wants better for our family at all times. He is such a loving and wonderful husband and father, and I can't imagine having anyone else to share my life with. We laugh until we cry, we talk(mostly I talk) until he cries, and we have real fun together. We cook together, clean together, raise Gus together, and live life together. He's my very best friend and I will love him for all my life. Happy Anniversary Dusty!!! I love you!!

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