Monday, June 7, 2010

Stressed about what?

After a nice text conversation with my friend Amanda tonight, I realized that I must blog about it. I was explaining to her that I was getting stressed about the new baby coming our way. "stressed about what?" she asks.
I always thought that the 2nd one would be less stressful, since you knew what to expect and all of the things that happen. Well, first of all, pregnancy amnesia is real. You forget about how horrible the first trimester of vomiting and fatigue is. The horrible all day sickness that lingers through all of the ginger ale and saltines. How can you forget that, but you remember what you had eaten that time you had the flu in 3rd grade? Then, there's all the preparation for the new baby. What things do I have and not have? What clothes will be in season and out of season for this one? Will he be in preemie clothes like Gus, or will he be what everyone expects out of Dusty and I- a big ole boy. Ok, so just get out everything that is preemie up to 6 months. Now, where are the screws for the crib? We have to have them to put the crib together right? Can't duct tape that.
Then you have the boatload of other things that babies NEED. Seriously learned my lesson on that the first time around. Babies do NOT need wipe warmers. You can warm wipes in your hand for free, and in the mean time, not set the bottom 20 wipes on fire to dry up and be useless. Sleep positioner's with incline? We had to have it for Gus..had to have it. That child would be at the other end of the crib the next morning and there was the sleep positioner, exactly where we left it, laying there, childless, useless. Then I started flipping out about which bottles I'm going to use this time. Nah, I'll just breastfeed for the first year. Bottles need washing, I'll have time for shower every 3rd day. So that's settled.
All of these "things" need to get done, need to be arranged and rearranged before I have this baby. I'm down to 13 weeks and that means 13 weekends, BUT, 9 of those weekends are filled up, so that means I have 4 weekends left. GASP!!! I guess we'll just throw the baby in the bed with us (since we still can't find those screws)and line our pillows up beside him as his "positioner" and put his head on a tiny pillow as his incline. Be easier to feed him if I don't have to get up anyway.
Now my biggest fear is the second C-section. Why? You know everything that's going to happen. Exactly I say! I know that they are going to stick a very large needle into my back and try to keep me calm. They are going to tie my hands out by my side and put up a curtain that I can't see over. Then they're going to try to talk sweet to me to keep my mind off of the fact that they are cutting a live human out of my torso that there could possibly be some problem with- but I can't see him, so I wouldn't know. Everyone keeps their happy faces. Then they tell you that there will be a little pressure. HA, more a tidal wave of pushing from your lungs to your toes to launch the baby out and into he hands of the Dr. All the while, you lose 4 pints of blood and immediately go cold and nauseous. You want to puke your guts out, but too bad they're laying on the table beside you. So you're baby is here and you get to touch him with your face since your hands are still tied, unable to dry your happy/terrified tears. Then they whisk him away to another part of the hospital and your husband leaves you there, guts out, to go and be with your new son that you spent 10 months harboring. Ok guys, I'll see ya in a bit? The nurse says, honey, they're already gone.
Yeah- what am I so stressed about? This is gonna be a breeze compared to last time....right? I got this.

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