Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Food wars

I was so upset at the news last night. Diane Sawyer was seriously reporting on the lawsuit against McDonalds saying that the toys in Happy Meals make kids fat. I'm pretty sure it's the food in the happy meals that the PARENTS buy that tend to make kids overweight. Along with an unhealthy diet and low to no exercise. People just want to place the blame on anyone else besides themselves. Accountability has been lost in the court system. What a shame. I'm not against McDonald's or their Happy Meals. Gus loves them, and enjoys the toys. I usually force him to eat his entire sugary, high calorie meal before he can even have the toy. We've been blessed with an over active B O Y, so we can pretty much let him eat what he wants. If things were different, he wouldn't have the happy meal as an option-especially on a regular basis. Our kids are what we feed them. Just ask Dusty, he grew up on debbie cakes and king size snacks. He'll tell you what his childhood was like.
Now there are those people that can eat whatever they want and stay thin. I wish I were one of these people. Having PCOS (insulin resistence) my body likes to store fat. It pretends like it's in starvation mode and stores the fat incase it doesn't get enough at the next meal and gets hungry late at night. I joke slightly, but this is true. So, I do have to watch what I eat, portions I eat and sugar intake. It's easy to judge people and think they are lazy and fat, but you might be missing the real reason/story. Of course, I was in the best shape of my life at my goal weight when I met Dusty....then Gus was created. Things haven't really been the same since then. Probably from all the Happy Meals:)

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