Friday, June 11, 2010

What not to education.

The first time I was pregnant, with Gus, I read all of the books on pregnancy. And I do mean ALL of them. Dusty read the majority of them towards the end of my pregnancy when I was too tired to roll over, much less READ. He loves reading anyway so I looked at it as helping him expand his bookshelf. So when something would twitch or twinge I would ask him what was going on and he usually had the answer for me. "Round ligament pain" or "braxton hicks contractions" Thanks, I'm going back to bed.
In these books were dozens of things "not to do" while pregnant. I followed these with Gus so very well. Until people started bringing cakes and cupcakes (I had gestational diabetes with Gus) My advice is to not bring sweets to someone who hasn't had them for 5 months K? No P90x lovin husband of mine can pry a cupcake out of my hands when I'm 9 months pregnant and have been completely off sugars for 5 months. Luckily, I don't have that this time!! Anyway, the first time- no deli meats, the second time-well not everyday. The first time- no soft cheeses, the second time-feta is hard after it's been in the fridge for a while. The first time-no honey mustard from McDonalds- there's anchovies, second time- but its soooo good. The first time- no soda, second time- it's the only thing that didn't make me puke the first 2 months. The first time- no sweets, the second- after 10pm. The first time-lift nothing over 10 pounds, second time- Gus weighs 30, and I hold him anytime he asks.
Now onto what other people shouldn't do or say. I get asked the question "So, when are you due sweetie" Here are some responses after I tell them the first week of Sept. "OH MY! Looks like someone is having a BIG baby" "It must be a girl, cause you carry all over with girls" "Oh, it's gonna be hot this summer, when I was pregnant with my son, it was during the hot summer and I would just pour sweat all the time- you're gonna sweat all summer" "Wow, you've got a long way to go to be so big already" "Is it twins?" "He's gonna be like his Daddy, a big ole boy"
Now......I know how big my belly is- it's mine. I know how much hotter it's going to be, I'm already sweating. Yeah, maybe he will be a big boy, it would kinda make sense given his daddy's size.
People are just down right mean to pregnant women. Now Dusty of course tells me how beautiful and radiant (that's the sweat) I am, but any mother knows how you feel about yourself when your pregnant. Your skin is stretching to the max, you start to waddle (mainly for the comfort level of your pelvis) You can't see your toes, you have a hard time walking short distances with any breath left when a few short months ago you could have ran. It's just uncomfortable and we don't need people telling us the things we already feel. I have worked so hard this time to not gain as much as I did with Gus (27) and so far I'm doing great. Up 10 pounds at almost 27weeks. It may look like more-trust me, it sure does feel like more. I'm pretty sure I've lost a few pounds by burning holes through people.

1 comment:

  1. people say THE most stupid things to pregnant women. And I have no idea why. You should say "thanks, I've done this before. I think I got it."
