Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've spent a lot of time thinking lately as I lay around, or while I'm passed out, about how thankful I am for so many things in my life. I'm really quite spoiled. I have a wonderful family.
While gone to the beach, my mom came to my house and cleaned it from top to bottom and got the majority of the new guy's stuff washed and ready. For some reason this time around, I can't seem to find the motivation/time/physical strength to organize all of this baby stuff. We talk or text every single day. We've become best friends in that we get along 90% of the time and fight the other 10%:)
After passing out 6 times in 2 weeks, my Dr has given me his "best guess" of low blood sugar. So now he wants me to eat protein/carbs/sugars every 4 hours. Having PCOS, I've always been on low/no sugars and carbs, so this is SOOO exciting. I heard my grandmother upstairs this morning at 7:30 making a cake. She called me this afternoon and told me that she had me a cake ready so that I could have a slice anytime I needed it:) SWEET!! Literally.
My brother and sister-n-law are pretty much the best aunt and uncle anyone could ever have. EVER. Gus would have a hard time choosing between us and them. He'd probably chose them cause uncle "flows the garden" and Aunt Abbey makes homemade cookies and can sew. All he has to do is ask for something and they can make it happen. I do not know HOW on earth I could possibly raise this child-and probably the next without them.
My dad has always been my rock. If I have a hard decision to make, need advice, some back up, or just a listener, that's who I call. I trust no one as much as I trust him. I like to please him. He never set "standards" for us growing up, but I just always had the idea that I needed to make him proud. Dusty and I have talked about how we will try and do the same thing with our boys. Let them figure out life on their own, develop their own opinions and allow them to come to us for advice. I was always terrified to lie to my dad. All I could think of was...I'll go to this party after I tell him I'm at so and so's house and then something will happen to me and I'll never have the chance to explain why I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be. So I just didn't go.
And of course, I love my extended family as well and my friends- my sisters! I've been blessed with a great group of friends. Lots of good memories already and so many more to be had. I read a book last week about a group of friends and one was battling cancer. All I could think of is, which one of us in our group will have to endure something like this. And I hope that we can all stick together and make it through a crisis together.
Most of all I love my son and husband. Last night in the bath I was sitting there as Gus "fixed my hair" and his little hands wrapped around my face and he looked me directly in the eye and said "Mommie, you look beautiful" I'm sure I've never looked worse, but I have never felt more beautiful in my life! I knew that not only did my son say those words, but he's heard those words said to me by his daddy time and time again. He'll be a great man if he just follows in his dad's footsteps.
How did I get so lucky?!!!

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