Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The long short days of our lives

These days are hectic, but they sure are fun filled. Gus keeps me guessing about what's gonna come out of his mouth next. Things like "It was all my pleasure Mom" or "Can you just stop being proud" have come out lately. Today, during the rainstorm, the door was open (because I love to hear it rain/storm) and the breeze was whipping through the weeping cherry so loud that it actually annoyed Gus. So he started screaming at the tree to cut out the wiggling noise before it woke up Simon from his nap. Currently he is yelling at our deaf dog because he's out in the middle of the road. To try and get him inside I told him big boy was going fishing...I should know better than to say things like that because now he's screaming louder at him saying that he forgot his fishing pole!
The days are so long yet SO short with children.

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