Monday, November 15, 2010


There is nothing on earth like hearing your baby goo and gurgle! I say goo, he works and works and finally comes out with a goooooo. His bright blue eyes smiling at me and his little mouth in a perfect circle. My cup runneth over.
I have built such a bond with sweet Simon. He knows when I leave and enter a room. I wanna make him a mama's boy for as long as I can. Gus turned into a daddy's boy the moment he was born. He prefers his daddy when he gets hurt or if he wants to play a fun game. A lot of things that I try to join in on Gus tells me is "for only boys, it's not for giruels". So I've decided to keep Simon away from them and away from their games and to myself. I'll talk to him about his dad and brother, but there really shouldn't be any reason for contact other than the occasional diaper change.
Knowing that this is my last baby just makes me want more and more time with him. I don't like to lay him down once he's fallen asleep, just so I can soak up the cuddle time. I can't seem to get a lot down around the house because I prefer to stare at him while he kicks and laughs.
To have one miracle (Gus) was overwhelming for me, and now this 2nd little miracle has certainly made our family complete.

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