Sunday, November 21, 2010


So the past week has been pretty crazy. I decided to become a stay at home mom for my two sweet boys. I'm really excited about it, but a little nervous too. I know I will miss working outside of the home, eating lunch with friends, and socializing with adults. Talking to a 3 year old and 10 week old isn't a good way to find out the news or to unload stress.
I figured staying at home, I would have the cleanest house on the planet. No such luck. It's better to just wait until the end of the day and then find a place for it somehwere. If we make it through a day without a broken toy, then things are good. Gus has a terrible temper. If he gets told no about something very important to him then he usually finds the closest toy and chucks it. If it's really important, then he will find several toys or repeat chuck the same one. Then he wants you to be able to fix it. He hasn't quite grasped the concept of something being broken forever. It's a good way to cull toys without him flipping out though. Once HE breaks it and it gets thrown out, he forgets about it. If I were to find an army man in a corner behind the TV in the middle of the night and throw it away, the next morning he would be up and looking for the army man. Never fails. Poor Simon won't have anything left if Gus keeps breaking it all.
I'm counting on Simon being the sweet little chill guy. He already is, so I just hope that continues. He just lays around and watches Gus pitch fits with a smile on his face. Such a sweet boy.

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