Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Down to the wire

Well, in one week from today, I'll be staring into the eyes of my beautiful baby boy #2. I'm not as anxious to meet him as I was Gus. I know what to expect, and am just really more nervous about the 2nd c-section than anything else. The other night Dusty asked me if I was thinking about how having another baby in a week. Uhmm, yes. I am. I'm thinking about the c-section, the surgery itself scares me, the fact that he's gonna be taken away and I have to wait to see him. This bothers me. I know that 30 mins in life doesn't seem like long, but when all you want to do is hold and comfort your new little person that you spent 40 weeks growing, 30 mins is forever!
I'm also very anxious to see how Gus is going to adjust to the new kid. If I had a million guesses, I would use them all on one: He's going to be loving at first and super attentive, and when the new wears off- Day 5 we'll call it- he's going to be super jealous and want to be a baby himself.
Then there's the part where it's football season and Dusty is hardly home. Practice till 7:30 ish through the week, Thursday is light practice, unless there is a home JV game and then he goes to that..Friday games, if they're home, he's home by 11 ish, otherwise away games put him home anywhere from 12-2:30. Then the coaches meetings on Sunday go from 6-10pm. It's not that I don't have help or can't ask for help, it's the fact that I like to do things for myself and if I can't, then I like for Dusty to fill in. We like our family to be "our family". Of course sometimes you just gotta call for backup as a last resort.
Gus told me last night..."Hey, I gotta an idea! Let's name him, uhm, let's name him, uhm BABY BROTHER" I thought maybe he was really gonna come up with something I'd like and settle on. Nope. He has been so funny lately. Last week I took him to football practice to watch the Tigers and wait on his Daddy so we could go out for his birthday. We were waiting on Dusty to change clothes and I was singing along with the radio and Gus was in the backseat telling me to stop singing that I was hurting his ears. Of course he was on repeat and after the 20th time I turned around and said- well you're hurting my feeling with your ugly words, so if you want any of Daddy's birthday cake you need to stop hurting Mommie's feelings. You know my kid- he slings his hands up in the air, rolls his eyes and says "FINE, JUST SING THEN" I was like dang, he's rather suffer my voice than go without birthday cake. That's dedication. I didn't want to sing anymore anyway....

Sunday, August 15, 2010


You know what's comfortable? Being 9 months pregnant.
In reading the pregnancy books, I've learned about how the baby causes your diaphragm to be squished, your ribcage opens up about 2 3/4 inches to allow for more breathing room, and your heart gets displaced. Seriously? My heart has to move to make room for this guy?
My friend Amanda, who is blessed with height asked me how "us short people did it?" My response was easy...the organs all go different places...some into our butts, some up and into our chest cavity causing our lungs to be diminished and causes lack of breath and inability to yawn, and then the baby just goes out and out...and out.
Thank God Dusty is one of those men who finds it "a miracle, and the greatest thing humans can do-bare children" Cause I find it rather disturbing. And HIGHLY uncomfortable.
I had a dream last night that I woke up in the hospital and asked Dusty what happened and he told me that we had the baby. I asked the nurse to bring me the baby but she wouldn't hand him to me. I kept asking Dusty for the details and he wouldn't give me any. I finally got him to tell me what was wrong. He said the baby is 24 inches long and weighs 16 pounds....he had already talked to the Dr. and nurses and they promised not to tell anyone how much he really weighed so that I wouldn't have to suffer the embarrassment.
A 10 pounder is not out of the realm of possibilities here people. So if you read in the paper that I had a 7 pound baby, you probably shouldn't believe it. I'm betting on 12, based of course on the uncomfortableness and all...and that..soooo.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Battle with the hedge trimmers

As mentioned in my last blog, Gus has a pair of hedge trimmers that were to be used as a weapon against the frog. They are not real, but they do have lights, sounds and unfortunately, moving parts.

This morning as I sat on the couch eating my toaster strudels (2 for $4 at THE save more) I heard Gus start whimpering, then trying to catch his breath, and then an all out scream into a full blown cry. As fast as I could move, I did. I rounded the corner and saw such a sight. He has his hedge trimmers down the front of his underwear. ?? Why you ask? Well because he watches Handy Manny and other various builder shows where they wear tool belts and he wanted to be like them. Only hedge trimmers don't fit there. Especially when you hit the button and make the moving parts work.....so we have one banjo stuck in the hedge trimmers, Daddy is at football practice, and I'm not sure where to begin.

As gently as possible, I remove the "area" from the hedge trimmer and throw it to the ground. Tears are streaming down his face and soaking me. I can only imagine how much pain he's in. I get to hold him for about 30 seconds and then he wants down. He picks up the hedge trimmer and throws it across the room. This isn't enough. So he goes over and kicks it. This is still not what he wanted, so he picks it up and slams it to the ground repeatedly. So the lights still work and the sounds are a little fuzzy but no more moving parts.

Gus vs Hedge trimmers. Victory for Gus. I think.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So my Sunday morning was not as peaceful as I had hoped. I woke up and decided I would go ahead and take my shower and then go eat breakfast and start cooking for homecoming at church. I would read the newspaper and sit and watch TV while the mac n cheese was baking and Gus was watching cartoons. But in my life's true fashion...it went like this.
I get up and start the shower running, grab my towel and wait for the water to heat up. I lay out all of the things that I will need to get ready and even pick out my dress. Ok, water's ready. I get in the shower and start getting my hair wet. I look down and see something in between the shower curtain and the shower liner...what the heck is that? It kinda looks like poop? Did Gus poop in the shower? I don't have my contacts in, so I convince myself it's probably a toy and reach down to pull the curtain back. IT MOVES. Excuse me? Are you kidding me? A frog!
I scream for Dusty and start beating on the walls. If you have followed my blog, then you know how fast Dusty will come running in an emergency. Snails pace. Sloth-like. Lolly gagging at it's best. A true mosey-er he is. I'm standing on one end of the shower with the liner in front of me to shield me from the wart infested creature. Dusty announces "I'm right here" Ok- well there is a frog in here. So what does he do? He rips the curtain back which catapults the frog directly at me. So I scream again and go running out of the shower, soaking wet and oh so pregnant, into our bedroom. Gus comes running in asking what's wrong. I'm not going to try and shield him or tell him that frogs are ok- they are dangerous and gross and have no right being in my house, much less my shower. So he's sufficiently scared and Dusty is mad. You're scaring him Emily. GOOD! Maybe he'll never ever bring a frog near me in his life.
Can you bring me my towel?
So then Dusty and Gus go after the necessary equipment that you need to catch a shower frog. Dusty comes back with a lame bucket and Halloween candy bowl. Gus- my true hero, comes back with a hedge trimmer. Now that's what I'm talking about. Cut his little guts out son! Eventually, Dusty does catch the frog in his buckets and takes him outside.
I washed the shower and then got in, with one eye on the drain, wondering, where did he come from, how did he get in, is that a wart on my finger already? Are you KIDDING ME??

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A ride to school

I've been used to Dusty driving Gus to school every morning, or just being at home with him all summer. This week, due to football practice, I've been taking on this responsibility. The first day, he cried and didn't want me to leave him. The second day he begged me to stay at home with him and tried to convince me that I didn't have to work anymore. (Tell it to the bills son) So today he comes busting out of his room screaming "Good Morning Mommie, I waked up!" AHHHH, gonna be a good day:)

He asked for his chocolate milk, which I already had ready so I handed that over. What would you like for breakfast I asked, poptarts, muffins, or cheesy eggs? "patart" was the answer. I was making my breakfast so I told him to come get it. Nope, he needs it brought to him. I figure why not keep him in a good mood and waddle his "patart" over to him on the couch in front of "Handy Manny".

We eat breakfast together and then I get him dressed for school in what I tell him is a new shirt that daddy picked out, so that he'll think it's cool and wear it. Out the door and into the car. Wait, where is his chocolate milk? Get out, go around the car to see if it's in his floorboard, nope, walk back around and found it on my bumper? Ok, let's go.

And he begins.....

"I'm gonna go to school and see my friends, that tree's gonna fall and bust our mailboxes and uncle will be so mad, theres the library so we gotta be quiet, noooo that's not the library, that's our church, I went to bible school there, it's not bible school today, there's our store, there's my barber shot, I'm gonna get my haircut yesterday, I cut my own hair at school, there's the dollar store, my daddy's gonna buy me a new motorcycle at the dollar store, I like to see my friends at school, the birds fly down and grab them bugs and fly to the tree and eat em up, cows eat grass and they eat grass for breakfast, and horses eat grass too, they eat it like this (makes horse eating grass noises"



"where we going Mommie" "I forgot your lunch"

"my lunchbox has Diego on it, my daddy painted it for me, we did finger paint on my lunchbox, you're gonna love it, I can see my house, say goodbye house mommie, you need to go faster mommie, now slow down or that police man will pull us over and be so mad at us, are you going faster mommie, let's see if we can find daddy at the football game, I will look with my "binacalars" I see daddy, he's my best friend, he has on his helmet for tackle ball, I don't see them footballs yet, let's look on the other field, I can't find them anywhere, this is my favorite song, I see my school, I'm gonna wash my hands and see my friends"

"Have a good day Gus.......Bye Gus......See ya this evening buddy.....Tell Mommie Goodbye??"
I guess he ran out of words.