Tuesday, December 14, 2010

He's down

My poor sweet Gustus has his first broken bone:( I knew this day was coming, but I still wasn't prepared.
Last Thursday he tried for "infinity and beyond" and beyond was a little closer than he thought. I was sitting in the floor right beside him and heard the horrible crack and saw his face change to instant pain. I figured there were brains on the carpet. I immediately scooped him up and held him as tight as I could and told him how sorry I was and cried right along with him. I got the "pig-a-medic" Which is an ice pack in the shape of a pig and applied it to the side of his head that hit the ground. He just complained of a headache and I gave him Tylenol right away. Never once did he say that his shoulder hurt.
Friday he started favoring his right hand and would hold his left close to his side. I decided it was time to go to the Dr. So I got him in the shower and he started doing push-ups and telling me he was just fine. I figured if I took him to the Dr., I would be the over-reacting Mom...mountain...mole hill...ya know.
Saturday we went to Asheville and met Jeremy & Abbey at Chuck-e-cheese. He rode all the rides, played skee ball, whacked the sharks. (it's not moles anymore??) He would do some things with it, but was obviously tender over his shoulder.
Sunday, it snowed. He and Dusty went out and played, built a snowman, made snow angels, went sledding, and he ate a good 2 lbs of snow. Then Sunday night, I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't take him to check for sure. My main thought was...one day, he's gonna break something and they'll x-ray him and find this old unreported break and snatch him up and into foster care.
Monday morning, 8 o clock, called the Dr........closed for inclement weather! WHAT? Called the hospital to have the Dr. on call paged. Waited on hold for 11 mins, hung up, dialed again, finally got an operator. "They're not open?????" "No mam, the message says closed due to weather" "Great! Who's the Dr" "I take him to Hendersonville Pediatrics" "Which Dr. do you need paged?" "The one on call???" "Yeah I know that mam, which one is your Dr.?" " I DON'T CARE WHO IT IS!! You can call anyone that will help me" "I'll have to see who's on call and page them.(this was kinda my point earlier) What's wrong?" "I think my son broke his collarbone" "Ok, I'll have someone call" CLICK. Waited 30 mins, called back. "Yeah, for whatever reason they are still not open and we don't know why, but we're trying to reach someone" CLICK! Waited 30 more mins and the operator called me back to let me know that the Dr. on call recommends that we wait until 10 when the office opens, or of course the standard "if this is a life threatening emergency, hang up and dial 911" Yeah, I got that, thanks for assuming my mental incapability of saving my child's life. Anyway, called the Dr. at 10 and they said it was the Hendersonville office and I needed to call Brevard. So I checked my phone, uh, no mam, I dialed the Brevard #. "UGH, Let me call them and tell them to turn their phones on" CLICK.
CAN'T ANYONE SAY GOODBYE ANYMORE????? Are you in a customer service field of work demonstrating poor customer service to an obviously scared mother of a broken child?? DANG!
So I call back. Oh...sure...let me leave another message, why not. I got up, got us ready, packed, car started and scrapped. Finally the Dr's office called back. "Did you leave this message last night or this morning?" "This morning" "So does he need to be seen" Slow deep breaths, I tell myself. "Yes mam" "What does he need to be seen for" Obviously didn't listen to the message.
Got in immediately and got the confirmation I dreaded immediately. Yup, it's broken. Send you for an x-ray for our records. 5 minutes, 1 sling, and a life savings account later, we were on the road home.
He's more frustrated with the sling than the broken bone. He's already trying to make deals with me. "I'll be a really good boy and you can take this off" "Pretty please"

1 comment:

  1. bless his little heart! I hope it heals quick......I'm dreading this moment too. I thought Riley broke his hand at McDonalds playland. He came running out of the end of the slide holding his hand and bawling. But he had practically ripped one of his fingernails off instead. Man!!!!
