Sunday, December 12, 2010

I love snow

I know most people get all crazy when it snows. They're thinking of losing power, no hot water, how are we gonna get to....wherever it is that they NEED to go. Not me. I'm thinking, hot chocolate, hot tea, pancakes, fire, playtime in the snow with Gus, extra time with Dusty, snowcream, movies, not having to go anywhere, and memories being made:)
I love to wake up to snow. I looked outside when Simon got up to eat for the 2nd time and could hardly wait to tell Dusty. I did wait until 6 though so he wouldn't be too grumpy. I started making plans in my head of all the things we can do today. Gus doesn't have a snowsuit yet, so I started thinking of layers. I'll put on sweatpants and pair of his too big jeans...I'll put plastic baggies on his feet in between his sock layers and then his biggest shoes...4 shirts & his biggest coat....a hat..scarf...mittens-where are those mittens. So I just got on up and started my day.
Now I'm sitting here waiting on him to wake up so that I can show him the snow! Am I too excited maybe? I know I'm excited for Christmas. Not for the same reasons I used to be. I don't care if I get an empty box, as long as Gus is happy. Simon- not so much this year. I'm not even sure if he would care to eat wrapping paper. We went to toys r us yesterday and watched as Gus ran from toy to toy. "Hey, look at this guys" "Check this out guys" "I want this" So Dusty started making a pile of toys that he obviously loved with all of his heart. At the end, I took Gus and Simon back out to the car because Daddy had to show Santa the things that Gus wanted for Christmas. We had a little trouble getting him out of the store at first because he thought Dusty was going to call Santa for Gus being bad....which I may or may not have threatened my son with from time to time??? It works, don't judge me. So then Dusty stood in the endless line and came out with about 1/3 of the things he had fallen for. But he forgot the one thing that I really wanted and had to go back in:)
So anyway, here I sit watching Simon in the swing, the fire roar, Dusty playing some football game (cause it's the off season and we still need football to breathe) drinking my hot tea and waiting for Gus to wake up and see the snow. Maybe I'll make a really loud noise?

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