Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Being a stay at home mom has it's perks. Lounge wear, no make-up, no straight iron, flexible lunch hours, and being your own boss..and the boss of the little people for that matter. You would think that my house would be spotless and all the chores would be done, but somehow, my time is eaten up as if I'm at a 9-5.
I get up and have my hot tea and whatever breakfast I can find. Usually a pop-tart. By the time I get sat down to eat, Simon needs me, so I get cold tea. Gus needs to do crafts, we dance, learn some things and it's lunch. I may throw some laundry in, and it may overflow and flood my kitchen. You don't know what my day will bring. I always get the beds made and the dishes washed, keep the fire going and the children happy. You just can't stop a toddler tornado.
I haven't given up....which used to be a joke to me...SAHM's give up and throw their hair up-or cut it off, and wear sweatsuits. But seriously, why do I want to have my hair laying on my shoulder on my nice sweater to get puked on? It's going to happen. There will be spit-up in my day. Every day. When I do get out of the house, I put on nice clothes, maybe even a pair of jeans (WHOA) and as soon as I step back in the door, lounge wear...just in time to soak up the spit-up! I do refuse to cut my hair off though. First off, I don't have the face shape for short hair. Trust me. Second, it would enhance the grey.
What bothers me most is that people don't seem to take you seriously as a SAHM. They ask what you do and you tell them and you immediately read what they're thinking. Oh, you're lazy. Well, lemme tell ya- there are days that I'd love to be sitting at a desk where you couldn't even see the wood or half of my floor because of the workload. I'd put my nose to the computer and power through that instead of cleaning crayon off the wall and puke out of my hair, happily! Work would be a vacation compared to most of my days! I could sit here and throw movies in and watch my soaps, sure, but I do take this job seriously, and I want to be good at it. Where's that online training class for mom's? Is there a dial in code I don't know about?
As Simon gets older and the weather gets better, I'll change into shorts and venture outside. Maybe a bedazzled tank top. Possibilities for the summer are endless!

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