Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Being a stay at home mom has it's perks. Lounge wear, no make-up, no straight iron, flexible lunch hours, and being your own boss..and the boss of the little people for that matter. You would think that my house would be spotless and all the chores would be done, but somehow, my time is eaten up as if I'm at a 9-5.
I get up and have my hot tea and whatever breakfast I can find. Usually a pop-tart. By the time I get sat down to eat, Simon needs me, so I get cold tea. Gus needs to do crafts, we dance, learn some things and it's lunch. I may throw some laundry in, and it may overflow and flood my kitchen. You don't know what my day will bring. I always get the beds made and the dishes washed, keep the fire going and the children happy. You just can't stop a toddler tornado.
I haven't given up....which used to be a joke to me...SAHM's give up and throw their hair up-or cut it off, and wear sweatsuits. But seriously, why do I want to have my hair laying on my shoulder on my nice sweater to get puked on? It's going to happen. There will be spit-up in my day. Every day. When I do get out of the house, I put on nice clothes, maybe even a pair of jeans (WHOA) and as soon as I step back in the door, lounge wear...just in time to soak up the spit-up! I do refuse to cut my hair off though. First off, I don't have the face shape for short hair. Trust me. Second, it would enhance the grey.
What bothers me most is that people don't seem to take you seriously as a SAHM. They ask what you do and you tell them and you immediately read what they're thinking. Oh, you're lazy. Well, lemme tell ya- there are days that I'd love to be sitting at a desk where you couldn't even see the wood or half of my floor because of the workload. I'd put my nose to the computer and power through that instead of cleaning crayon off the wall and puke out of my hair, happily! Work would be a vacation compared to most of my days! I could sit here and throw movies in and watch my soaps, sure, but I do take this job seriously, and I want to be good at it. Where's that online training class for mom's? Is there a dial in code I don't know about?
As Simon gets older and the weather gets better, I'll change into shorts and venture outside. Maybe a bedazzled tank top. Possibilities for the summer are endless!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Can I get a corner?

Dusty Robinson, the self proclaimed bedroom vortex. Not what you're thinking. Grow up people.

I'll start with an important piece of information. A previous post highlighted how Dusty is constantly hot. A balmy 200 degrees on the coldest of days. However, he MUST have at least a sheet on him at night because, and I quote, "I feel like I'll float away." Now most of you know my husband, and if anyone was going to "float", he would be the least likely to do so. I freeze at night. Every night. I freeze. I have a sheet, a down blanket, and a comforter on the bed. I like to be under all 3 of these.

There is a trend however, that keeps me from being under all 3 or even 1. I get all snuggled in and Dusty is usually still watching TV or reading. Once he decides to settle in, the vortex begins. Inch by inch, my covers start getting sucked in until I'm stuck with just a sheet and blanket. Hours later I get up to feed Simon and I'm down to a sheet. I get up to use the bathroom-sheet is half gone. Now I would try to get these back, but I don't have the strength in the middle of the night, so I put on sweatpants. Get up to feed Simon again and grab a hoodie on my way back to bed.

How does this happen? Where do these covers go? They show up the next morning, just 3 miles down the road. A bedroom vortex. Who knew?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

He's down

My poor sweet Gustus has his first broken bone:( I knew this day was coming, but I still wasn't prepared.
Last Thursday he tried for "infinity and beyond" and beyond was a little closer than he thought. I was sitting in the floor right beside him and heard the horrible crack and saw his face change to instant pain. I figured there were brains on the carpet. I immediately scooped him up and held him as tight as I could and told him how sorry I was and cried right along with him. I got the "pig-a-medic" Which is an ice pack in the shape of a pig and applied it to the side of his head that hit the ground. He just complained of a headache and I gave him Tylenol right away. Never once did he say that his shoulder hurt.
Friday he started favoring his right hand and would hold his left close to his side. I decided it was time to go to the Dr. So I got him in the shower and he started doing push-ups and telling me he was just fine. I figured if I took him to the Dr., I would be the over-reacting Mom...mountain...mole hill...ya know.
Saturday we went to Asheville and met Jeremy & Abbey at Chuck-e-cheese. He rode all the rides, played skee ball, whacked the sharks. (it's not moles anymore??) He would do some things with it, but was obviously tender over his shoulder.
Sunday, it snowed. He and Dusty went out and played, built a snowman, made snow angels, went sledding, and he ate a good 2 lbs of snow. Then Sunday night, I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't take him to check for sure. My main thought was...one day, he's gonna break something and they'll x-ray him and find this old unreported break and snatch him up and into foster care.
Monday morning, 8 o clock, called the Dr........closed for inclement weather! WHAT? Called the hospital to have the Dr. on call paged. Waited on hold for 11 mins, hung up, dialed again, finally got an operator. "They're not open?????" "No mam, the message says closed due to weather" "Great! Who's the Dr" "I take him to Hendersonville Pediatrics" "Which Dr. do you need paged?" "The one on call???" "Yeah I know that mam, which one is your Dr.?" " I DON'T CARE WHO IT IS!! You can call anyone that will help me" "I'll have to see who's on call and page them.(this was kinda my point earlier) What's wrong?" "I think my son broke his collarbone" "Ok, I'll have someone call" CLICK. Waited 30 mins, called back. "Yeah, for whatever reason they are still not open and we don't know why, but we're trying to reach someone" CLICK! Waited 30 more mins and the operator called me back to let me know that the Dr. on call recommends that we wait until 10 when the office opens, or of course the standard "if this is a life threatening emergency, hang up and dial 911" Yeah, I got that, thanks for assuming my mental incapability of saving my child's life. Anyway, called the Dr. at 10 and they said it was the Hendersonville office and I needed to call Brevard. So I checked my phone, uh, no mam, I dialed the Brevard #. "UGH, Let me call them and tell them to turn their phones on" CLICK.
CAN'T ANYONE SAY GOODBYE ANYMORE????? Are you in a customer service field of work demonstrating poor customer service to an obviously scared mother of a broken child?? DANG!
So I call back. Oh...sure...let me leave another message, why not. I got up, got us ready, packed, car started and scrapped. Finally the Dr's office called back. "Did you leave this message last night or this morning?" "This morning" "So does he need to be seen" Slow deep breaths, I tell myself. "Yes mam" "What does he need to be seen for" Obviously didn't listen to the message.
Got in immediately and got the confirmation I dreaded immediately. Yup, it's broken. Send you for an x-ray for our records. 5 minutes, 1 sling, and a life savings account later, we were on the road home.
He's more frustrated with the sling than the broken bone. He's already trying to make deals with me. "I'll be a really good boy and you can take this off" "Pretty please"

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I love snow

I know most people get all crazy when it snows. They're thinking of losing power, no hot water, how are we gonna get to....wherever it is that they NEED to go. Not me. I'm thinking, hot chocolate, hot tea, pancakes, fire, playtime in the snow with Gus, extra time with Dusty, snowcream, movies, not having to go anywhere, and memories being made:)
I love to wake up to snow. I looked outside when Simon got up to eat for the 2nd time and could hardly wait to tell Dusty. I did wait until 6 though so he wouldn't be too grumpy. I started making plans in my head of all the things we can do today. Gus doesn't have a snowsuit yet, so I started thinking of layers. I'll put on sweatpants and pair of his too big jeans...I'll put plastic baggies on his feet in between his sock layers and then his biggest shoes...4 shirts & his biggest coat....a hat..scarf...mittens-where are those mittens. So I just got on up and started my day.
Now I'm sitting here waiting on him to wake up so that I can show him the snow! Am I too excited maybe? I know I'm excited for Christmas. Not for the same reasons I used to be. I don't care if I get an empty box, as long as Gus is happy. Simon- not so much this year. I'm not even sure if he would care to eat wrapping paper. We went to toys r us yesterday and watched as Gus ran from toy to toy. "Hey, look at this guys" "Check this out guys" "I want this" So Dusty started making a pile of toys that he obviously loved with all of his heart. At the end, I took Gus and Simon back out to the car because Daddy had to show Santa the things that Gus wanted for Christmas. We had a little trouble getting him out of the store at first because he thought Dusty was going to call Santa for Gus being bad....which I may or may not have threatened my son with from time to time??? It works, don't judge me. So then Dusty stood in the endless line and came out with about 1/3 of the things he had fallen for. But he forgot the one thing that I really wanted and had to go back in:)
So anyway, here I sit watching Simon in the swing, the fire roar, Dusty playing some football game (cause it's the off season and we still need football to breathe) drinking my hot tea and waiting for Gus to wake up and see the snow. Maybe I'll make a really loud noise?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cold Wars

I love to be warm. I do not like to be sweltering hot, but I like to be warm. A lot of my childhood was spent at my grandparents house where there was almost always a fire. My grandfather made what our family called "candle melter's." The name came from the fact that the candles on the mantle would actually melt.

I take showers that turn my skin red and keep the door closed so that when I get out, I'm still warm. I like to sit as close to the fire as possible. I would like to sleep on top of a heating pad under an electric blanket. I like to drink hot tea, even in the middle of the day. I love sweaters. I like to sit over the heat vent at church.

On any given day, Dusty Robinson is a balmy 104 degrees. Why? I don't know. He's hot. All the time. So he keeps a fan on at night. Even when it's 21 degrees outside. He doesn't like to build fires because it's too hot. And to turn the heat on in our room would be out of the question. He wears shorts year round. He would leave the AC on year round 24/7.

Both of the boys are hot boxes too. Simon already sweats and I didn't think babies even had sweat glands. So what else is there to do, but walk around in sweatpants, sweatshirts, and a hat, with socks on my feet.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Llama drama

After our first thanksgiving meal, Gus, Abbey, Simon & I decided to go for a walk. Mainly Abbey and I. Simon isn't much on decision making just yet. We got about half way down the drive way and I realized the neighbors llama was out of the fence. This had happened about a week earlier and I called them to let them know about it. They sent someone to put the llama back up and I witnessed the grown man trying to herd the llama with his truck. This made me think he might be slightly terrified of the llama. After about 30 mins, he finally got it back inside the fence. So this time when I saw the llama, I knew I should be scared. I told Abbey that we should turn back, but she insisted we would be fine. 20 feet later, she decided to follow me back up the driveway because the llama started charging after us. The stupid thing was making hissing/spitting noises and going up on it's back legs and slamming his front feet down. This llama wanted blood.
So we came back into the house and tried to warn Jeremy & Dusty of our imminent danger. They were busy playing x-box and hardly took us seriously. I left a message for our neighbor as I watched the llama from my porch coming even closer to the house. The guys kept telling me not to be so dramatic. The problem was that they weren't getting up to defend us from this llama drama. I now realize they were probably more terrified than we were.
Of course Gus was scared. He was ready to get a gun and "shoot that llama!" He kept going from the door to the guys to give them a full report on the llama's current location and demeanor.
Luckily, we escaped a certain thanksgiving death this year!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


So the past week has been pretty crazy. I decided to become a stay at home mom for my two sweet boys. I'm really excited about it, but a little nervous too. I know I will miss working outside of the home, eating lunch with friends, and socializing with adults. Talking to a 3 year old and 10 week old isn't a good way to find out the news or to unload stress.
I figured staying at home, I would have the cleanest house on the planet. No such luck. It's better to just wait until the end of the day and then find a place for it somehwere. If we make it through a day without a broken toy, then things are good. Gus has a terrible temper. If he gets told no about something very important to him then he usually finds the closest toy and chucks it. If it's really important, then he will find several toys or repeat chuck the same one. Then he wants you to be able to fix it. He hasn't quite grasped the concept of something being broken forever. It's a good way to cull toys without him flipping out though. Once HE breaks it and it gets thrown out, he forgets about it. If I were to find an army man in a corner behind the TV in the middle of the night and throw it away, the next morning he would be up and looking for the army man. Never fails. Poor Simon won't have anything left if Gus keeps breaking it all.
I'm counting on Simon being the sweet little chill guy. He already is, so I just hope that continues. He just lays around and watches Gus pitch fits with a smile on his face. Such a sweet boy.

Monday, November 15, 2010


There is nothing on earth like hearing your baby goo and gurgle! I say goo, he works and works and finally comes out with a goooooo. His bright blue eyes smiling at me and his little mouth in a perfect circle. My cup runneth over.
I have built such a bond with sweet Simon. He knows when I leave and enter a room. I wanna make him a mama's boy for as long as I can. Gus turned into a daddy's boy the moment he was born. He prefers his daddy when he gets hurt or if he wants to play a fun game. A lot of things that I try to join in on Gus tells me is "for only boys, it's not for giruels". So I've decided to keep Simon away from them and away from their games and to myself. I'll talk to him about his dad and brother, but there really shouldn't be any reason for contact other than the occasional diaper change.
Knowing that this is my last baby just makes me want more and more time with him. I don't like to lay him down once he's fallen asleep, just so I can soak up the cuddle time. I can't seem to get a lot down around the house because I prefer to stare at him while he kicks and laughs.
To have one miracle (Gus) was overwhelming for me, and now this 2nd little miracle has certainly made our family complete.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I have never been a fashion forward type of girl. No one has ever envied my clothes or my style. Mostly because I don't have a style. I guess my style is "sale items".

I shop mostly at Old Navy. Sometimes I'll find something I like at Walmart. Occasionally, I sneak into Cato. Most of my clothes tear up after a couple of years. The nice things I do have, I've been wearing some of them for 10 years now. I'm not a huge shoe fan. I have one expensive pair of Tommy Hilfiger Mary Janes that I have had for at least 8 years, everything else comes from Walmart or Kmart. Just never been a name brand shoe person-just want them to fit and be comfortable. I'm only 5'6" but that doesn't make me want to throw on 4 inch heels. Am what I am-short, so flats are fine.

I find myself liking a style, but it's too expensive. I love the magazines and online sites that tell you how to dress on a budget (dress like a star on pennies) Well their pennies sure are different than mine. They show jeans that cost $300 and dresses that are $400?? The most expensive pair of jeans I've ever owned were the Tommy Hilfigers that I bought 7 years ago (still wear) at an outlet for $38!!! Most of my jeans are Old Navy clearance:)

I get the LL Bean catalogs. I look at Belk's ad's. I drool over Macy's. But I can't seem to force myself into financing clothes that I can just buy cheaper now. You might even find me at Goodwill Saturday!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cause I asked "What next"

Things go wrong from time to time for the Robinson's. Luckily, we weather through it with the ability to laugh.
Last week when I thought we were at the end of our bad luck, the sewer backed up and overflowed into our shower, out onto the bathroom floor and into our bedroom. We called roto-rooter and they took our info and said someone would be dispatched. Two hours later, we decided to call back. Dusty called and gave our information again and low and behold, someone called back within 3 mins. He hadn't gotten the first dispatch. He took $50 off for this- making his 10 minute service call ONLY $250`-because it was now- after hours. Weird how he didn't get that dispatch now isn't it? He called out the restoration company for us, which came out and turned our house into the movie set of ET. There was plastic on the floors, walls and make shift doorways. I suddenly felt scared to live in my own home. But Dusty Robinson will not be budged- he is a home body! Not to mention, we would have to pack our entire house to take two little guys and it was already midnight.
The construction started the next morning, ripping up carpet and vinyl, taking out walls, all while Simon tried to nap and I tried to keep Gus out from under their feet. The sound of hammering followed by Gus using his four wheeler to hammer. Yup- his four wheeler...not one of his 200 toys that could be made into hammers, or his actual toy hammers. The adjuster came to take pictures of everything damaged and Gus was making him take pictures of his woolly worms. What can I do?
So now all of the construction is done and the house is back together. Nothing else will ever happen, I just know it!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The long short days of our lives

These days are hectic, but they sure are fun filled. Gus keeps me guessing about what's gonna come out of his mouth next. Things like "It was all my pleasure Mom" or "Can you just stop being proud" have come out lately. Today, during the rainstorm, the door was open (because I love to hear it rain/storm) and the breeze was whipping through the weeping cherry so loud that it actually annoyed Gus. So he started screaming at the tree to cut out the wiggling noise before it woke up Simon from his nap. Currently he is yelling at our deaf dog because he's out in the middle of the road. To try and get him inside I told him big boy was going fishing...I should know better than to say things like that because now he's screaming louder at him saying that he forgot his fishing pole!
The days are so long yet SO short with children.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Honey....there's poop on the wall

Just thought I would blog about a typical day in the house of Robinson's. People tell me their kids are into everything...gimme a break...meet Gus Robinson please!

I'm 6 weeks away from having to go back to work and with the extreme cost of Simon's hypoallergenic formula, we've decided to keep Gus home until I go back to work so we can stock up on food for this baby (who needs to get a job)

Wake up time for Simon is around 6am. Usually Dusty takes him into the living room and puts him in the swing, so I can get one hour of solid sleep. Then I get up and have about 30 mins until Gus starts screaming "you gotta come get me, I need chocolate milk...I need a poptart" So I get him all set and get back to Simon. During the morning I have to do all the necessary baby needs for Simon, diapers, bottles, rocking, etc. I also have to dance to the Hot Dog dance on Micky Mouse Funhouse about 14 times. We have to hold hands and dance around, run from his room to the kitchen and then crash into the couch.

Gus gets dressed- like a Tiger (in his uniform) mid-morning, and wears his helmet while doing some more laps around the house. Regardless of how many times I beg him to be quiet when Simon is sleeping, he still comes screaming through the house. I threaten to call his Daddy which works...for about 3 mins and he's back to screaming. SCREAMING! We eat lunch, which consists of Gus eating lunch, Simon having a bottle and me forgetting to eat. All of this time, I've made the beds, picked up toys, done laundry (from the 3am changing on our bed where poop caused a sheet change) and washed dishes/bottles. I usually vacuum every other day..poptarts, leaves and shreds of various foods liter our floor.

The afternoon 3 hour nap that Simon takes, allows me to go outside with Gus. He loves to dig in the flowerbed, occasionally taking out a few flowers/bulbs...running every rolling toy he has down the hill, and if we've gone on a walk and I left the stroller out- I have found that in the front yard as well! He picks up wooly worms and lines them all up on the porch. It's amazing how still they stay, after he's killed them with a dozer. (which reminds me of the lady bugs- they take naps in our dryer) Then we have the fight about coming back inside...which ends in my 100th time of counting to 3 for that day. He has a snack and that's when it usually hits me that I forgot lunch...but I do nothing about this because Simon needs to be changed and a bottle.

Around 5, i start getting excited thinking about Dusty being home in another 2 1/2 hours! I start dinner and get Simon down for another nap. Gus is still screaming through the house playing Ice Road Truckers with his little toys. He talks about "going in the ditch" "Heading up the ice cut to Fairbanks through Prudhoe Bay" Amazing what he soaks in...good and bad. I answer the questions "Do we say damnit, or no?" "Do we say stupid, or no?" "Do we say butt , or no?" approximately 10 times...per hour.

Dusty gets home around 7:30-THANK GOD!! We pass by each other as he goes to put down today's haul and start his new bag for tomorrow. While he eats dinner, I make bottles for the next 24 hours and Simon is in the swing...Gus is asking me more questions and I divert to Daddy. After dinner, Dusty comes into the kitchen and makes his lunch for the next day while I give Simon a bath on the counter. Then Dusty and Gus go to take a shower, while I get Gus' jammies ready, get his chocolate milk ready fill his humidifier, turn down his bed, fill Simon's humidifier, get his blanket, diapers, wipes, pacifier, change of clothes, burp cloth, boppy and take it into our room, & get his bottle ready. Then I wash any dishes left while Dusty puts on Gus' jammies all the while entertaining Simon.

Dusty settles into the glider rocker to feed Simon while I go in to change what I thought was poop in Gus' pull-up. There's nothing there,,,but I smell it? So I get him changed, settle him into bed with his chocolate milk, read him a story, say our prayers, and he blesses everyone he can think of to delay bedtime (including his daddy's nickles (nipples) one night) and I go to leave the room..only behind the door I find the smell and I yell at Dusty...Honey....there's poop on the wall, and the door, and the door frame, and the changing table.

Good night!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kinda sleepy

Whew. Here we are 5 weeks into the life of Simon Andrew, and I'm kinda sleepy. He's had his good nights, where he sleep in 3 hour blocks, the occasional 4 hour block, but mostly 2 hours at a time. I've been doing all the feedings during the week because I'm staying at home while Dusty works. A few times, I've had to ask him to take one for me because I'm so exhausted. When I get up to feed him, he eats and then starts smiling and cooing at me...just looking so sweet and cute. Anyone that knows me, knows that I LOVE to sleep..and not in 2 hour blocks. When Dusty gets up, Simon eats, and goes back to sleep in 5 minutes flat. I've decided it's because Dusty is asleep too and it just wears off on Simon.
I wish I could take everyone's advice (some I've given myself) about sleeping when the baby sleeps...for whatever reason, I can't fall asleep during the day. I don't know why, I want to. I usually get up before the boys leave for school and start the daily chores of laundry, bedmaking, dish washing, bottle making, dusting, vacuuming, picking up toys, and scraping poptarts out of the carpet. So when they leave, I'm either done, or almost done. I tried to get Gus to clean up his toys the other night by offering a cupcake, but he said "uhm, no mom, not at bedtime" ?
As I found on bedrest, daytime TV is BORING! WHoever came up with this ridiculous snuggie commercial with the macarana tune should be SHOT.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Been a while since my last blog...however, I had a baby. I win. My excuse trumps.
I guess I'll start where I left off.
We went to the hospital at a decent hour-5:45am (not decent) and started getting ready for Simon's arrival. Changed into a beautiful gown, got super comfy in the hospital bed, and then here come the needles. I don't like needles. The nurse gently put the tube into my arm, and while it stung a little, it actually didn't hurt. However, I started having a vagal response. I asked Dusty to come take my covers off because I felt hot. Then I couldn't breathe, and then hearing loss, followed by some ammonia waived in my face and some thrashing. The ammonia they use...it isn't like normal ammonia..that stuff is STOUT! Finally everything came back together and I felt so embarrassed. Here I was fixing to get cut wide open and a flippin IV almost took me out!
I was so nervous about the surgery, thinking if the IV could have killed me..what would happen if the spinal tap had a worse effect. Well, I took it upon myself to tell anyone that came passing by my bed to let them know what had happened. No one was taking me seriously...uh hello...I could have died?? Well apparently, it's not deadly, but I felt like I was dying.
So the surgery went well...the nurse kept telling Dr. H that I was waiting on the bottom to fall out...which I was(due to the death scare earlier) I heard him say "This is a big baby, girl" I KNEW IT! I knew he was gonna be over 9lbs. I was right 9lbs 4 oz....now gimme that chunk so I can kiss his face off! He's perfect.
Letting Gus meet him for the first time was way more emotional than I ever expected..for Dusty. I was happy, don't get me wrong, but Dusty was completely overcome with pride for his two boys. That had to be the most perfect moment of my life. Time stood still as I sat watching Dusty's tears fall onto Gus' face, and Gus' face in complete awe of his new little brother. God is so good like that:)
Since we've been home, life is busier than ever. Simon eats well, but sleep is still semi-limited, at night anyway. He likes to sleep during the day when the lights are shining brightly and the TV is on. Go figure.
Gus has been a great brother and loves to help. He likes to play with all the "new" toys we've dragged out and thinks Simon wants: passy, bottle, mommy's milk, toys, a nap, or anything within his reach. I left them alone in the car to run into the dr's office to pick up some samples and when I came back out Gus had the funniest look on his face. I said, what's wrong son, and he said "Uhm, baby brother's just making me nervous"
I'll try to do a post in a few days of all the funny things Gus has said lately. First I have to get Dusty to help me remember. See, I can only remember a few things at a time lately. Had the hardest time logging on here...stupid passwords!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Down to the wire

Well, in one week from today, I'll be staring into the eyes of my beautiful baby boy #2. I'm not as anxious to meet him as I was Gus. I know what to expect, and am just really more nervous about the 2nd c-section than anything else. The other night Dusty asked me if I was thinking about how having another baby in a week. Uhmm, yes. I am. I'm thinking about the c-section, the surgery itself scares me, the fact that he's gonna be taken away and I have to wait to see him. This bothers me. I know that 30 mins in life doesn't seem like long, but when all you want to do is hold and comfort your new little person that you spent 40 weeks growing, 30 mins is forever!
I'm also very anxious to see how Gus is going to adjust to the new kid. If I had a million guesses, I would use them all on one: He's going to be loving at first and super attentive, and when the new wears off- Day 5 we'll call it- he's going to be super jealous and want to be a baby himself.
Then there's the part where it's football season and Dusty is hardly home. Practice till 7:30 ish through the week, Thursday is light practice, unless there is a home JV game and then he goes to that..Friday games, if they're home, he's home by 11 ish, otherwise away games put him home anywhere from 12-2:30. Then the coaches meetings on Sunday go from 6-10pm. It's not that I don't have help or can't ask for help, it's the fact that I like to do things for myself and if I can't, then I like for Dusty to fill in. We like our family to be "our family". Of course sometimes you just gotta call for backup as a last resort.
Gus told me last night..."Hey, I gotta an idea! Let's name him, uhm, let's name him, uhm BABY BROTHER" I thought maybe he was really gonna come up with something I'd like and settle on. Nope. He has been so funny lately. Last week I took him to football practice to watch the Tigers and wait on his Daddy so we could go out for his birthday. We were waiting on Dusty to change clothes and I was singing along with the radio and Gus was in the backseat telling me to stop singing that I was hurting his ears. Of course he was on repeat and after the 20th time I turned around and said- well you're hurting my feeling with your ugly words, so if you want any of Daddy's birthday cake you need to stop hurting Mommie's feelings. You know my kid- he slings his hands up in the air, rolls his eyes and says "FINE, JUST SING THEN" I was like dang, he's rather suffer my voice than go without birthday cake. That's dedication. I didn't want to sing anymore anyway....

Sunday, August 15, 2010


You know what's comfortable? Being 9 months pregnant.
In reading the pregnancy books, I've learned about how the baby causes your diaphragm to be squished, your ribcage opens up about 2 3/4 inches to allow for more breathing room, and your heart gets displaced. Seriously? My heart has to move to make room for this guy?
My friend Amanda, who is blessed with height asked me how "us short people did it?" My response was easy...the organs all go different places...some into our butts, some up and into our chest cavity causing our lungs to be diminished and causes lack of breath and inability to yawn, and then the baby just goes out and out...and out.
Thank God Dusty is one of those men who finds it "a miracle, and the greatest thing humans can do-bare children" Cause I find it rather disturbing. And HIGHLY uncomfortable.
I had a dream last night that I woke up in the hospital and asked Dusty what happened and he told me that we had the baby. I asked the nurse to bring me the baby but she wouldn't hand him to me. I kept asking Dusty for the details and he wouldn't give me any. I finally got him to tell me what was wrong. He said the baby is 24 inches long and weighs 16 pounds....he had already talked to the Dr. and nurses and they promised not to tell anyone how much he really weighed so that I wouldn't have to suffer the embarrassment.
A 10 pounder is not out of the realm of possibilities here people. So if you read in the paper that I had a 7 pound baby, you probably shouldn't believe it. I'm betting on 12, based of course on the uncomfortableness and all...and that..soooo.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Battle with the hedge trimmers

As mentioned in my last blog, Gus has a pair of hedge trimmers that were to be used as a weapon against the frog. They are not real, but they do have lights, sounds and unfortunately, moving parts.

This morning as I sat on the couch eating my toaster strudels (2 for $4 at THE save more) I heard Gus start whimpering, then trying to catch his breath, and then an all out scream into a full blown cry. As fast as I could move, I did. I rounded the corner and saw such a sight. He has his hedge trimmers down the front of his underwear. ?? Why you ask? Well because he watches Handy Manny and other various builder shows where they wear tool belts and he wanted to be like them. Only hedge trimmers don't fit there. Especially when you hit the button and make the moving parts work.....so we have one banjo stuck in the hedge trimmers, Daddy is at football practice, and I'm not sure where to begin.

As gently as possible, I remove the "area" from the hedge trimmer and throw it to the ground. Tears are streaming down his face and soaking me. I can only imagine how much pain he's in. I get to hold him for about 30 seconds and then he wants down. He picks up the hedge trimmer and throws it across the room. This isn't enough. So he goes over and kicks it. This is still not what he wanted, so he picks it up and slams it to the ground repeatedly. So the lights still work and the sounds are a little fuzzy but no more moving parts.

Gus vs Hedge trimmers. Victory for Gus. I think.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So my Sunday morning was not as peaceful as I had hoped. I woke up and decided I would go ahead and take my shower and then go eat breakfast and start cooking for homecoming at church. I would read the newspaper and sit and watch TV while the mac n cheese was baking and Gus was watching cartoons. But in my life's true fashion...it went like this.
I get up and start the shower running, grab my towel and wait for the water to heat up. I lay out all of the things that I will need to get ready and even pick out my dress. Ok, water's ready. I get in the shower and start getting my hair wet. I look down and see something in between the shower curtain and the shower liner...what the heck is that? It kinda looks like poop? Did Gus poop in the shower? I don't have my contacts in, so I convince myself it's probably a toy and reach down to pull the curtain back. IT MOVES. Excuse me? Are you kidding me? A frog!
I scream for Dusty and start beating on the walls. If you have followed my blog, then you know how fast Dusty will come running in an emergency. Snails pace. Sloth-like. Lolly gagging at it's best. A true mosey-er he is. I'm standing on one end of the shower with the liner in front of me to shield me from the wart infested creature. Dusty announces "I'm right here" Ok- well there is a frog in here. So what does he do? He rips the curtain back which catapults the frog directly at me. So I scream again and go running out of the shower, soaking wet and oh so pregnant, into our bedroom. Gus comes running in asking what's wrong. I'm not going to try and shield him or tell him that frogs are ok- they are dangerous and gross and have no right being in my house, much less my shower. So he's sufficiently scared and Dusty is mad. You're scaring him Emily. GOOD! Maybe he'll never ever bring a frog near me in his life.
Can you bring me my towel?
So then Dusty and Gus go after the necessary equipment that you need to catch a shower frog. Dusty comes back with a lame bucket and Halloween candy bowl. Gus- my true hero, comes back with a hedge trimmer. Now that's what I'm talking about. Cut his little guts out son! Eventually, Dusty does catch the frog in his buckets and takes him outside.
I washed the shower and then got in, with one eye on the drain, wondering, where did he come from, how did he get in, is that a wart on my finger already? Are you KIDDING ME??

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A ride to school

I've been used to Dusty driving Gus to school every morning, or just being at home with him all summer. This week, due to football practice, I've been taking on this responsibility. The first day, he cried and didn't want me to leave him. The second day he begged me to stay at home with him and tried to convince me that I didn't have to work anymore. (Tell it to the bills son) So today he comes busting out of his room screaming "Good Morning Mommie, I waked up!" AHHHH, gonna be a good day:)

He asked for his chocolate milk, which I already had ready so I handed that over. What would you like for breakfast I asked, poptarts, muffins, or cheesy eggs? "patart" was the answer. I was making my breakfast so I told him to come get it. Nope, he needs it brought to him. I figure why not keep him in a good mood and waddle his "patart" over to him on the couch in front of "Handy Manny".

We eat breakfast together and then I get him dressed for school in what I tell him is a new shirt that daddy picked out, so that he'll think it's cool and wear it. Out the door and into the car. Wait, where is his chocolate milk? Get out, go around the car to see if it's in his floorboard, nope, walk back around and found it on my bumper? Ok, let's go.

And he begins.....

"I'm gonna go to school and see my friends, that tree's gonna fall and bust our mailboxes and uncle will be so mad, theres the library so we gotta be quiet, noooo that's not the library, that's our church, I went to bible school there, it's not bible school today, there's our store, there's my barber shot, I'm gonna get my haircut yesterday, I cut my own hair at school, there's the dollar store, my daddy's gonna buy me a new motorcycle at the dollar store, I like to see my friends at school, the birds fly down and grab them bugs and fly to the tree and eat em up, cows eat grass and they eat grass for breakfast, and horses eat grass too, they eat it like this (makes horse eating grass noises"



"where we going Mommie" "I forgot your lunch"

"my lunchbox has Diego on it, my daddy painted it for me, we did finger paint on my lunchbox, you're gonna love it, I can see my house, say goodbye house mommie, you need to go faster mommie, now slow down or that police man will pull us over and be so mad at us, are you going faster mommie, let's see if we can find daddy at the football game, I will look with my "binacalars" I see daddy, he's my best friend, he has on his helmet for tackle ball, I don't see them footballs yet, let's look on the other field, I can't find them anywhere, this is my favorite song, I see my school, I'm gonna wash my hands and see my friends"

"Have a good day Gus.......Bye Gus......See ya this evening buddy.....Tell Mommie Goodbye??"
I guess he ran out of words.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some favorite sounds

This morning as Gus came running into our room and climbed up into bed with me (his daddy was already gone to the gym) I realized how much I love that sound. That sound being, his pull up crunching as he takes his little steps. Then he says, hey mommy, I'm getting in bed with you. He always makes sure that we know his next move, narrating his entire life really.
More morning sounds I love are hearing my grandmother walking upstairs. Just to know that she's awake for another day relieves me the same each and every day. I love to wake up to a good thunderstorm, when you can just tell the sky is going to stay dark all day. I love to hear Gus yell for his daddy in the mornings. "Dadday Rob in son" or he'll say "hey guys" And trust me, you want to hear him yelling for you, because if you go in and try to wake him before he's ready....day over. He's so much like his Dad:)
I love to hear my favorite song when I'm all alone in my car. I love to hear the intermingled laughter when Dusty and I get tickled about something. I love to hear waves crashing on the shore. I love to hear "I love you Mommy" and "Daddy, you're my best friend" I love to hear the guests you've been waiting for arriving in your driveway. I love to hear the microwave beep when your food is ready:) I love to hear "I've got a purprize for you Mommy, it's chocolate, it's ice crean" I love to hear happiness from a friend or family member. I love to hear good news. I love to hear the sounds a baby makes while drinking a bottle, all the little snuffs and sighs of satisfaction. I love to hear the crack of the bat when the Braves are down. I love to hear "Touchdown Tigers" be it, Rosman or Clemson. I love to hear, "smell this, it's terrible." I love to hear the commentators on Wipeout. I love to hear Dusty come home after a Friday night game. I love to hear a good song at church that produces chills and tears. I love to hear that it's 5 o'clock. I love to hear wind blowing through the trees warning of the upcoming storm. I love to hear the power come back on after days without it. I love to hear about snow in the forecast.
I also love to hear silence!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Eat it up

I just realized tonight another major difference in my first and second pregnancies. The first time, I watched every "Baby Story" and "Birth Day", and I read all of the magazines/books on pregnancy, birth, and child raising. This time, I watch every episode of "Man vs Food", "Food Paradise", "DC Cupcakes", "Cake Boss" and Food Network in general. I sit here and watch these shows just wishing I could taste a little bite of everything. Good thing I have my ice habit or I would weigh 500 lbs by now. I would never make it working in a bakery. It would be fun, but I have a feeling I would eat my profits.
While I watch these shows, Gus is wearing a pair of headphones and singing "1, 2, 3, 4, hit it boys....Lover Lover Lover, you don't treat me no good no more (treat me good no more)" He's singing his own backgrounds in a lower tone. That's his daddy's new favorite song so of course, now it's Gus' as well.
Today Dusty surprised me with a bag of sonic ice at work and one for the house:) Then my co-worker brought some rocky road ice cream, so it was the best Monday I've had in I don't know when.
Now I wish I had some cake mix:(

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've spent a lot of time thinking lately as I lay around, or while I'm passed out, about how thankful I am for so many things in my life. I'm really quite spoiled. I have a wonderful family.
While gone to the beach, my mom came to my house and cleaned it from top to bottom and got the majority of the new guy's stuff washed and ready. For some reason this time around, I can't seem to find the motivation/time/physical strength to organize all of this baby stuff. We talk or text every single day. We've become best friends in that we get along 90% of the time and fight the other 10%:)
After passing out 6 times in 2 weeks, my Dr has given me his "best guess" of low blood sugar. So now he wants me to eat protein/carbs/sugars every 4 hours. Having PCOS, I've always been on low/no sugars and carbs, so this is SOOO exciting. I heard my grandmother upstairs this morning at 7:30 making a cake. She called me this afternoon and told me that she had me a cake ready so that I could have a slice anytime I needed it:) SWEET!! Literally.
My brother and sister-n-law are pretty much the best aunt and uncle anyone could ever have. EVER. Gus would have a hard time choosing between us and them. He'd probably chose them cause uncle "flows the garden" and Aunt Abbey makes homemade cookies and can sew. All he has to do is ask for something and they can make it happen. I do not know HOW on earth I could possibly raise this child-and probably the next without them.
My dad has always been my rock. If I have a hard decision to make, need advice, some back up, or just a listener, that's who I call. I trust no one as much as I trust him. I like to please him. He never set "standards" for us growing up, but I just always had the idea that I needed to make him proud. Dusty and I have talked about how we will try and do the same thing with our boys. Let them figure out life on their own, develop their own opinions and allow them to come to us for advice. I was always terrified to lie to my dad. All I could think of was...I'll go to this party after I tell him I'm at so and so's house and then something will happen to me and I'll never have the chance to explain why I was somewhere I wasn't supposed to be. So I just didn't go.
And of course, I love my extended family as well and my friends- my sisters! I've been blessed with a great group of friends. Lots of good memories already and so many more to be had. I read a book last week about a group of friends and one was battling cancer. All I could think of is, which one of us in our group will have to endure something like this. And I hope that we can all stick together and make it through a crisis together.
Most of all I love my son and husband. Last night in the bath I was sitting there as Gus "fixed my hair" and his little hands wrapped around my face and he looked me directly in the eye and said "Mommie, you look beautiful" I'm sure I've never looked worse, but I have never felt more beautiful in my life! I knew that not only did my son say those words, but he's heard those words said to me by his daddy time and time again. He'll be a great man if he just follows in his dad's footsteps.
How did I get so lucky?!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What'cha thinkin bout?

As I lay here on the couch with the computer propped up on my ever expanding baby shelf, I find myself bored. I could read another book, watch TV, get up and go sit in the chair in the kitchen and try to start dinner, or fall asleep. Is it just me, or are there 1 million things to think about?
Things like, getting things arranged back home for the upcoming baby. What name are we ever going to chose for the baby? Will Gus hurt him right away, or sneakily wait a few weeks? Will I get enough sleep to take care of 2 kids? Dusty is going to be in the midst of football season, can I even do this alone? How do you take care of 2 kids at one time? When I go to pick up Gus at school, do I take the new baby inside or leave him in the car? I should probably take him in. Do I take the whole car seat, or just the baby? Then how will I carry all of Gus' daily items? How will I hold Gus' hand in the parking lot? Will Gus understand the concept of not waking up the baby once he's asleep? Why again did I get a belly button ring in my early 20's....that scar isn't looking so well these days. Will the baby be lactose intolerant like Gus was? Will we be able to afford the diapers and formula? This baby is going to have all hand me down clothes and toys...will he think we love him less? Gus is going to be so jealous of all the attention..how will we cope with his certain outbursts? Do other parents get embarrassed by their kids outbursts? Do other moms even get hit in the expanding belly with golf clubs because their 3 year old is angry?
Back in 2006, Dusty and I came to HHI. Alone. We brought some clothes, some cash, and ourselves. We woke up when we felt like waking up, we ate breakfast out, we went to the beach and took our cooler of beer, our towels, and then took naps. We swam out in the ocean, got too much sun, and then came home, took showers, and went somewhere for dinner. I don't remember thinking anything, except did we have enough beer/food. I don't remember being an adult, even though we obviously were.
Parenting although fun and ultra-rewarding can be so draining on the mind. Usually after a very long rough day with Gus, he'll go off to bed, and about an hour later, I'm wishing he was awake so I could hold him and tell him how much I love him. No matter how hard it is, or how many strikes I took that day, he is my heart. He is the funniest, sweetest boy in the world....when he wants to be. Dusty and I have laughed our fool heads off at him trying to get us to "guess which hand" something is in and he grabs a pool noodle that is approx. 4 feet long. Hmmmmmm....which hand to choose:)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Things I've learned on bedrest

I never realized how empty daytime TV is. Here's a few things I've learned over the past few days.

Lindsay Lohan is going to serve time and doesn't think it's fair. Naturally her DUI's are far superior than the "regular persons" This is a top story on GMA. News!

A man fell 30 feet off a top deck after trying to catch a foul ball. He's alive.

My friend Vanessa needs a "Kangaroo Keeper" so that she can stop losing all of the things in her purse. Mainly her keys.

Several celebrities are now on the Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem diet. There is also a 70 year old man that is completely ripped from some new genetic diet. Which is very off putting in my opinion. I want my 70 year old husband to look, well, 70.

Danny Elfman has produced the music on every TV show and movie, possibly EVER.

LeBraun James is driving me completely insane with all of his hoopla over himself. Which team will he play for...who cares??? If you're a fan of his, then you will watch whichever team he plays for regardless. Does he really need a parade and a prime time TV slot?

You can lease a Mercedes Benz for ONLY $689/month after $3, 899 down. Not bad ey?


Skinny girls constantly mess around with their bathing suits. The girls that should be messing with their bathing suits-don't.

Most people don't give a rip what they look like or what they wear on vacation. Unfortunately.

Tear free sunscreen, no matter what the cost, must be purchased.

People will stare at a pregnant woman with pure pity on their faces.

My husband will go to great lengths to get me on the beach!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When is my break?

Maybe I was a healthy infant, I don't remember. Since then, I have had some weird stuff. Never just the common cold, I must have sinusitis with an upper respiratory infection alongside a double ear infection. Tonsils can't be normal- they were "cryptic tonsils" that had to be removed when I was 26. There is a reason you have your tonsils removed as a child. Allow me to explain. When you are a child you have less nerve endings in your throat, so ice cream is cure all. You never have strep throat or tonsillitis again! When you are 26, you apparently have 1 trillion nerve endings and can't even stand to swallow your liquid codeine, much less ice cream. Then after having your tonsils removed, you get strep throat about 6 months later.
I was blessed with mono at the age of 29. The Dr's couldn't believe I had never had it since it was the "kissing disease" Kinda makes me wonder how Dusty brought it home ya know? :)
When I was pregnant with Gus, a group of my friends all came down with a terrible virus. Some went to the hospital and were sent home, some got fluids and were sent home...but I had a nice 3 day stay in the maternity ward in complete isolation. Nurses and Dr's came in wearing full hazmat suits and wouldn't allow Dusty in without gloves and a face mask. It was GLAMOROUS!
Now pregnant again, I get this really cool condition called Pelvic Arthropathy. Short story- hormones cause the connective tissue of the pelvis to become soft thus allowing the pelvic bones to constantly shift. It hurts. I've been dealing with it though- and I think I've been dealing pretty well. Until Saturday.
Gus was left alone on the golf cart for maybe 20 seconds. Long enough for him to drive forward 4-5 ft and slam into a little rock wall. No damage to the cart or the wall, but his face hit the steering wheel causing a burn in between his eyes and on his cheek. I did what any mother would do- RUN. Run to the child, scoop him up and hold him tight. Only when I did, I felt a pop. Which makes me wonder, how do you feel a sound. Isn't "popping" a sound.
So now I find myself on 2 weeks of bed rest. Most pregnant women might say- bring it on. Not me. I am bored. I am lonely. I am tired. I am anxious. It hurts to lay down, stand up, walk, cough, or breathe too deeply. It's like being on a no carb diet- all you want is a bread sandwich. All I want is UP and OUT. Not to mention our annual HHI trip is scheduled for this Friday. Dr ok'd the trip, but no lifting, walking, standing, etc. Now that sounds like fun. Go to the beach, but don't GO to the beach. I know Dusty is super excited about carrying all of our bags in and taking Gus to the beach. What a vacation for the both of us. Still not sure it's the best idea, but like Dusty says- it's better to be laying on a couch on HHI than here at the house.
I feel like maybe I'll be a healthy old person. Just get all of this stuff out of the way early on in life and then live forever. I think I've eaten enough ice the past 3 days to preserve myself for a decade.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Reasons I love my husband

As we were sitting in church last Sunday wrangling our toddler in between us and out of the floor, I realized some little things that make me love Dusty so much.

Gus had just thrown his cereal bucket into the air and after a rain shower of honeycomb landed, we both started picking up all the little hexagons. I was swiftly putting mine back into the bucket and trying to keep eyes straight forward on the preacher. I noticed Dusty putting his into the bucket as well, only, not all of them. He would reserve a few for himself. I saw him lean over like he just couldn't quite make it into the bucket so he might as well eat it:)

So I started thinking deeper about all the little things he does that endears me to him. Take directions for example. He couldn't tell you where he was in the world at any given point in time. He'll point to Brevard and tell you it's Rosman. During our short stint of living in Waynesville, he actually turned the wrong way out of our driveway-to the dead end. I have tried to help give directions, which he calls backseat driving. So I decided I wouldn't do it anymore. After about 10 miles in the wrong direction on the interstate once, he said, "I went the wrong way huh". Yup, exit 49 was ours. He doesn't mind my "backseat driving" so much now.

I love how clumsy he is. At any point in time, you will find a scratch on his head. He hasn't yet realized how tall he is I guess. He will hit his head on the open hatch of his truck, nick it while shaving, hit it on the medicine cabinet, or hit it on the freezer door. If he's walking through the house, he will inevitably hit some part of his body on a wall, stair railing, stump his toe, or step on a toy. He has fallen out of bed and backwards in chairs more times than I can count. And it's true- the bigger they are, the harder they fall...and the harder I laugh.

I tend to take advantage of him in his most vulnerable state-sleep. I've never laughed as hard or had as much fun. I really should be scared just given his size, but I'm not. He's completely harmless:) I'll scream, pull his arm out from under his head, hit him with pillows, give him a love tap, or laugh really loud. He'll sit straight up like the world is ending and look around the room for the culprit. I just smile and ask if he's still awake. I'll throw cold water over the curtain while he's taking a hot shower. And my favorite is to just hide and scare him. I don't even have to hide well. Sometimes, he forgets I live there, so I can just round a corner and terrify him.

I also love how much he loves me and takes care of me. He makes sure to give me ample foot massages and grabs anything that I can't quite reach on the top shelf. He'd do anything in the world that I asked of him. He is, as Gus says "our hero"

Most of all, I love the wonderful man he is and how he wants better for our family at all times. He is such a loving and wonderful husband and father, and I can't imagine having anyone else to share my life with. We laugh until we cry, we talk(mostly I talk) until he cries, and we have real fun together. We cook together, clean together, raise Gus together, and live life together. He's my very best friend and I will love him for all my life. Happy Anniversary Dusty!!! I love you!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

"The Day"

Back in "the day" I used to go to Wal-mart and just lolly-gag around looking at all they had to offer. Finding good deals on end caps that were in low travel areas, and just taking my time. Now, I wait till I'm out of everything I could possibly need from Wal-mart before attempting to go with a 3 year old. Here's a little scenario of what a trip is like now.
I tell him to stay close to Mommie or ride in the buggy. I'll stay close he tells me. Liar. So he's running in and out of the clothes racks, out in front of people who then make black marks on the floor with their shoes trying to "hit their brakes" and not my kid. So I'm apologizing to them and giving him the evil eye and a speech about "watch where you're going son" which promptly goes in one ear and out the other. Then he picks up things...not things you want him to pick up. Pantyhose in the little clear plastic containers. The same containers they sell toys in out in their foyer. Put those down....no I want them. Whatever, I obviously can't catch you so just carry them around. Then I find a pair of Buzz Lightyear water shoes/flip flop combo set. This is great, now I can put down the flip flops I got at the front that I didn't really like to begin with. But, what size water shoe? Ok, sit up here on these boxes of sodas while I try these shoes on you. So he's screaming telling me one size is too small, so I go to the next size up- way to big. Just bear with me son and get this shoe on your foot. Why am I sweating and where is my breath??
So then, I'm looking for travel size items for our upcomming vacation and he's telling me he wants to go look at the lawnmowers. But not once...he's telling me over and over and over. I go to wipe my eye and feel my contact lens go up into my lid. Lawnmowers mommie, let me just find my eye, lawnmowers mommie, people are staring of course. Find my contact and extract it, lawnmowers, get the contact straightened out, lawnmowers mommie, and back into my eye. On to view the fantastic lawnmowers...
Moving on down the aisles. I get to the dreaded toy section, which I just had to pass and what is loaded up on the 2ft tall shelf? Everything Toy Story could possibly market. He grabs the giant Rex which is on sale for $19.99. Son, you have to put that back, Mommie can't afford that. NOOOOO!! I WANT IT!!! And then takes off running. Well after a long day and some severe pelvic arthropathy going on, I can only walk bent over the shopping cart, so chasing him isn't happening. He'll come back. So I tell him goodbye and he comes running. I explain calmly that Mommie can't afford that dinosaur right now and maybe Daddy will bring him back and buy it for him(thus placing all of the blame and guilt onto Dusty) So we put it back on the shelf. BUZZ- IT'S BIIIIG BUZZ. Now he's found a $39.99 Buzz Lightyear, and I begin to pray.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Food wars

I was so upset at the news last night. Diane Sawyer was seriously reporting on the lawsuit against McDonalds saying that the toys in Happy Meals make kids fat. I'm pretty sure it's the food in the happy meals that the PARENTS buy that tend to make kids overweight. Along with an unhealthy diet and low to no exercise. People just want to place the blame on anyone else besides themselves. Accountability has been lost in the court system. What a shame. I'm not against McDonald's or their Happy Meals. Gus loves them, and enjoys the toys. I usually force him to eat his entire sugary, high calorie meal before he can even have the toy. We've been blessed with an over active B O Y, so we can pretty much let him eat what he wants. If things were different, he wouldn't have the happy meal as an option-especially on a regular basis. Our kids are what we feed them. Just ask Dusty, he grew up on debbie cakes and king size snacks. He'll tell you what his childhood was like.
Now there are those people that can eat whatever they want and stay thin. I wish I were one of these people. Having PCOS (insulin resistence) my body likes to store fat. It pretends like it's in starvation mode and stores the fat incase it doesn't get enough at the next meal and gets hungry late at night. I joke slightly, but this is true. So, I do have to watch what I eat, portions I eat and sugar intake. It's easy to judge people and think they are lazy and fat, but you might be missing the real reason/story. Of course, I was in the best shape of my life at my goal weight when I met Dusty....then Gus was created. Things haven't really been the same since then. Probably from all the Happy Meals:)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Borrowed troubles

As I was sitting at the music center watching graduation last week, I found myself becomming overly emotional. I figure people were looking at me like I was some crazy lady sitting alone crying on the back row. I sat there because it was close to the bathroom and I didn't actually let a tear roll down my cheek- that was probably sweat. I couldn't help but to feel for those parents sitting there watching their babies walk across the stage and into their new lives. I wasn't thinking about that when I graduated. Never crossed my mind that my parents might be sad. But now that I'm a mother, I realize how hard it is to watch your kids grow up.
On our drive to lunch (Dusty text me from the stage while sitting next to DR McDaris that he was hungry and wanted to go eat afterwards-always with the next meal plan) I started sharing my feelings about Gus' graduation with Dusty. I wondered how we should have his name listed in the program since he goes by his nickname, if he would have enough asterisks by his name, enough cords around his neck, if he would be valedictorian and give a speech, and what he would do with his life. My biggest concern however, was the after graduation party. "What are you gonna tell him" I asked Dusty. "Well, I'll tell him not to drink and drive, or get in the car with anyone else who has" "WHAT?? That's not good enough. He needs to be told to NOT drink at all, and who says he's allowed in a car with another teenager anyway, they are terrible drivers" "Oh Lord Emily, he's gonna be a teen driver" "Not if we forbid him from getting his license till he's 18" "Emily- this is ridiculous, you're borrowing troubles. He's going to grow up and move on and I'm excited to see who he's going to become and what he's going to choose to be" And cue the tears....grow up....I don't want him to grow up, or move on, much less move out.
I'll be the mom at the kitchen island yelling at Gus and Wells about something that matters to me and ALL these boys will be laughing at me and not taking me seriously. Oh bother.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weird habits and rituals

I know I'm different, but sometimes when I start thinking about all my quirks, I find I really am weird. Things like eating ice. See, when I'm not pregnant, I order my drinks with no ice. The ice hurts my sensitive teeth and plus you get more drink without the ice in it. I brush my teeth with hot water because they're so sensitive. But when I'm pregnant, I CRAVE ice. I have to have a cup of ice with me at all times. Sometimes when I answer the phone at work my tongue doesn't work correctly because it's frozen. Sonic sells ice by the bag for $1.71 (tax included) in case anyone was wondering. I also have miniature ice trays at home that I am constantly harvesting. Dusty will round the corner and say "addiction is such an ugly thing"

Another weird thing is my hand washing. I have to wash them twice. I guess I feel like the first time is washing off the outer germs, the second time really gets the dirty dirt off. If I'm in a terribly disgusting bathroom, I won't even wash- I have antibacterial gel in my purse. I also must use 2 paper towels. I hate these new "auto-motion" towel dispensers. I'm responsible enough to pull out as many paper towels as I want. Back to washing. I have to rub my right hand over my left 11 times and left over right 11 times for an even 22. Which brings me to my next quirk...

Even numbers. Love even numbers. Was devastated when Gus was born on 5/29/07. Not one even number in the bunch. One of the weirdest "parts" of my even number obsession is the car radio. I have to hit the buttons an even number of times. Sometimes it all gets screwed up and I just have to hit the scan button. Once you say? Nope, you have to hit it again to make it stop so there's 2.

The funny thing is, is that I know all of this stuff and have every ability to change it, but it doesn't hurt anyone. The ice chomping might annoy people, but I don't really care to annoy people. Someone has to be annoying right?

What got me to thinking of all these things about myself? Dusty and I had been to dinner and decided to stop by Cold Stone Creamery (aka best ice cream ever on the face of the earth and not only when your pregnant and craving chocolate and anything cold) So anyway, we decided to sit on one of the park benches and people watch. In the first minute we sat down this boy came up to us "cold stone creamery huh, they got good ice cream, my mom said we can't go there, my mom's eating dinner, i like ice cream" then started circling us...I was wondering if he was like a vulture waiting on some ice cream to drop-which wasn't in the realm of possibilities. Then he left and another kid came up and started talking about something we couldn't understand. We looked around and saw 3 kids just randomly walking around unattended. I told Dusty-how do you keep your kid from being weird? He said, "well if you're not weird, he won't be weird" RUH ROH!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

What not to do...an education.

The first time I was pregnant, with Gus, I read all of the books on pregnancy. And I do mean ALL of them. Dusty read the majority of them towards the end of my pregnancy when I was too tired to roll over, much less READ. He loves reading anyway so I looked at it as helping him expand his bookshelf. So when something would twitch or twinge I would ask him what was going on and he usually had the answer for me. "Round ligament pain" or "braxton hicks contractions" Thanks, I'm going back to bed.
In these books were dozens of things "not to do" while pregnant. I followed these with Gus so very well. Until people started bringing cakes and cupcakes (I had gestational diabetes with Gus) My advice is to not bring sweets to someone who hasn't had them for 5 months K? No P90x lovin husband of mine can pry a cupcake out of my hands when I'm 9 months pregnant and have been completely off sugars for 5 months. Luckily, I don't have that this time!! Anyway, the first time- no deli meats, the second time-well not everyday. The first time- no soft cheeses, the second time-feta is hard after it's been in the fridge for a while. The first time-no honey mustard from McDonalds- there's anchovies, second time- but its soooo good. The first time- no soda, second time- it's the only thing that didn't make me puke the first 2 months. The first time- no sweets, the second- after 10pm. The first time-lift nothing over 10 pounds, second time- Gus weighs 30, and I hold him anytime he asks.
Now onto what other people shouldn't do or say. I get asked the question "So, when are you due sweetie" Here are some responses after I tell them the first week of Sept. "OH MY! Looks like someone is having a BIG baby" "It must be a girl, cause you carry all over with girls" "Oh, it's gonna be hot this summer, when I was pregnant with my son, it was during the hot summer and I would just pour sweat all the time- you're gonna sweat all summer" "Wow, you've got a long way to go to be so big already" "Is it twins?" "He's gonna be like his Daddy, a big ole boy"
Now......I know how big my belly is- it's mine. I know how much hotter it's going to be, I'm already sweating. Yeah, maybe he will be a big boy, it would kinda make sense given his daddy's size.
People are just down right mean to pregnant women. Now Dusty of course tells me how beautiful and radiant (that's the sweat) I am, but any mother knows how you feel about yourself when your pregnant. Your skin is stretching to the max, you start to waddle (mainly for the comfort level of your pelvis) You can't see your toes, you have a hard time walking short distances with any breath left when a few short months ago you could have ran. It's just uncomfortable and we don't need people telling us the things we already feel. I have worked so hard this time to not gain as much as I did with Gus (27) and so far I'm doing great. Up 10 pounds at almost 27weeks. It may look like more-trust me, it sure does feel like more. I'm pretty sure I've lost a few pounds by burning holes through people.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Stressed about what?

After a nice text conversation with my friend Amanda tonight, I realized that I must blog about it. I was explaining to her that I was getting stressed about the new baby coming our way. "stressed about what?" she asks.
I always thought that the 2nd one would be less stressful, since you knew what to expect and all of the things that happen. Well, first of all, pregnancy amnesia is real. You forget about how horrible the first trimester of vomiting and fatigue is. The horrible all day sickness that lingers through all of the ginger ale and saltines. How can you forget that, but you remember what you had eaten that time you had the flu in 3rd grade? Then, there's all the preparation for the new baby. What things do I have and not have? What clothes will be in season and out of season for this one? Will he be in preemie clothes like Gus, or will he be what everyone expects out of Dusty and I- a big ole boy. Ok, so just get out everything that is preemie up to 6 months. Now, where are the screws for the crib? We have to have them to put the crib together right? Can't duct tape that.
Then you have the boatload of other things that babies NEED. Seriously learned my lesson on that the first time around. Babies do NOT need wipe warmers. You can warm wipes in your hand for free, and in the mean time, not set the bottom 20 wipes on fire to dry up and be useless. Sleep positioner's with incline? We had to have it for Gus..had to have it. That child would be at the other end of the crib the next morning and there was the sleep positioner, exactly where we left it, laying there, childless, useless. Then I started flipping out about which bottles I'm going to use this time. Nah, I'll just breastfeed for the first year. Bottles need washing, I'll have time for shower every 3rd day. So that's settled.
All of these "things" need to get done, need to be arranged and rearranged before I have this baby. I'm down to 13 weeks and that means 13 weekends, BUT, 9 of those weekends are filled up, so that means I have 4 weekends left. GASP!!! I guess we'll just throw the baby in the bed with us (since we still can't find those screws)and line our pillows up beside him as his "positioner" and put his head on a tiny pillow as his incline. Be easier to feed him if I don't have to get up anyway.
Now my biggest fear is the second C-section. Why? You know everything that's going to happen. Exactly I say! I know that they are going to stick a very large needle into my back and try to keep me calm. They are going to tie my hands out by my side and put up a curtain that I can't see over. Then they're going to try to talk sweet to me to keep my mind off of the fact that they are cutting a live human out of my torso that there could possibly be some problem with- but I can't see him, so I wouldn't know. Everyone keeps their happy faces. Then they tell you that there will be a little pressure. HA, more a tidal wave of pushing from your lungs to your toes to launch the baby out and into he hands of the Dr. All the while, you lose 4 pints of blood and immediately go cold and nauseous. You want to puke your guts out, but too bad they're laying on the table beside you. So you're baby is here and you get to touch him with your face since your hands are still tied, unable to dry your happy/terrified tears. Then they whisk him away to another part of the hospital and your husband leaves you there, guts out, to go and be with your new son that you spent 10 months harboring. Ok guys, I'll see ya in a bit? The nurse says, honey, they're already gone.
Yeah- what am I so stressed about? This is gonna be a breeze compared to last time....right? I got this.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Take out is fine with me

On tuesday of this week, Dusty & I decided that it would be nice to go have dinner where there weren't chicken nuggets on the menu. I could really use a tilapia wrap and a seat on the patio, so we head to Jordan St. Cafe.
Patio is full. Ok, we'll just take that booth in the very back that's far away from all the people that don't want kids in their general area. There's not even a kid's menu at this place. We should have never been there!
Dusty finished his meal and we were trying to bribe Gus to eat his, but he kept refusing. He started pointing at my glass of water so I gave him a few sips. THEN, he starts pointing at his mouth and whining. So I pick him up and tell him to "tell mommie what's wrong" and as I lift him above my eye level he let's loose. Lunch, and what seems to be 2 gallons of juice. From my head to my toes, I am soaked. Frozen. Dusty says- go to the bathroom. And do what? Game over dude- let's go. I pick Gus up and tell Dusty to ask for rags and whatever spray they have and clean up everything, leave a good tip and promise them we will never come back.
Out to the car where Gus gets a full strip down. Luckily, Dusty has a few extra clothing items in his car for me to change into. He's laughing at me when he opens the door and I'm sitting there still in complete shock of the current events. Did that happen? Is there corn in my hair and ears? Did the waitress do a complete 360 as she saw what was transpiring? Did they get our names or pictures? We'll just do call in for a lil while. Like 18 years or so.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cleanliness is next to...

Well I try to keep things clean, but with a toddler, that task is next to impossible. If I had it my way, we would live in a white house with white walls, white carpet, white cabinets, white tile, white towels, white appliances, and white furniture. Except when you add life to a home, it becomes dingy. Boooo. Don't like dingy.
When Gus first started getting around the house and dragging toys out, I would spend every evening putting everything back into it's place. Even the puzzle pieces had to be with the correct puzzles, the army men in their designated bucket, the cars had their own basket, and the rings were stacked on the post. Fast forward 2 years and you find me kicking through toys in order to clear a path to whichever room I'm trying to get in to. My carpet has been painted with butter and my cabinets with chocolate syrup. When we need new carpet I'm looking for a buttery chocolate color. Just to be safe.
You know those houses that you go to where everything is all perfect? Those people that get to have glass tables with no smudges and cream colored carpet and couches....ugh, seems so bland. You see that they have uncolored walls (I mean colored by crayola) and space. I forgot what space was. Now everything is jammed into any open spot possible. You see their "space" and think of how many things you could fit in there. I could put a loveseat, a toddler chair, the entire "Handy Manny" playset, a drum, 2 army men buckets, and 14 big wheels in that "space".
So, if cleanliness is next to Godliness, then what does that make me? A Mom. A mom who cares more about spending time playing baseball in the front yard than scrubbing carpets. A little dirt is good for immunity anyway, right?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Desperate scenarios

As I woke up this morning to birds chirping outside of Gus' window...wait...why is that bird so loud? Um, because I left his windows open all night long and the monitor is on a table right inside the window. Great- he's probably frozen and going to have a respiratory illness on top of this virus we've been fighting together. Dusty's already up, so I send him in to shut the windows. In his usual "stealth" mode he goes in to shut the windows. More like busts through the door and slams the windows shut through the banging blinds. AND, Gus is awake. It's 6am on Saturday morning. Luckily, he does go back to sleep! Me-no way. We've already been over this, I'm awake now.
So, I lay in bed and think of what to do with this day. I can see sunlight through our tiny windows in our basement "apartment". I could get up and go on a walk. Nope, the pinched nerve in my back back won't allow for that. (another pregnancy perk) I'll get up and go look at the garden, maybe pluck some weeds. Nope, it's too wet still. I could go down the street and have coffee with one of the desperate housewives on the "lane". Nope, those don't really exist. This gets me to thinking, what if we did live on a lane where any of these crazy scenarios took place. Like, what if I had to go down the street to tell my girlfriend that 10 years ago, my son had ran over her mother in law who was running from the house to tell her husband that she was having an affair. The reason I'm telling her now is because my 2nd husband just left me seeing as how I made him go to jail for running over my other girlfriends husband, which of course was years ago as well because now he can't even drive since he's in a wheel chair after being hit by a car fighting in a playhouse against my lover who was originally married to the girlfriend who's husband my husband had run over.
See- isn't that way juicier than what we all have to talk about? People say, reality TV isn't real. Of course it isn't. Cause real life is pretty boring according to our standards that we've set for TV to hand out to us. I'd like to think that a camera set up in our house might catch some pretty good comedic episodes appropriate for primetime. It would start with Gus screaming "Daddy Robinson" from his bed. He has to yell because we unlike most "good" parents have put a lock on the inside of his door so he can't come sneaking into our room. Real mean huh- has worked, is working, will work. I drew the line when a large portion of my house was painted in butter and chocolate syrup one morning. This is our reality.
So what did I ever decide to do this morning? I settled for making homemade french toast with my own blueberry compote. That turned out pretty well. I don't even like coffee anyway.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Unkillable virus

After being in bed for several days and then dealing with a very sick little boy, I decided I need an outlet, so blogging it is. No one is available to talk to during the day and I already talk Dusty's ear off when he gets home, so at least this way, people can choose if they wanna "listen" to me.
May is always a very busy month for us. We walk every year in the Cystic Fibrosis walk that I work hard trying to raise money for and never seem to reach my goal. Then we have everything going on with the SSG Charlie Bagwell Memorial Scholarship, that we never seem to reach our goal on. We have to grade the applications, then interview the applicants, and on to the grand finale of our annual benefit concert. Then, there's Gus' birthday. I'm usually worn out by the time this comes around. This year however, my off week has been struck by the unkillable virus. Saturday after the benefit concert, it hit me. I figured I just worked myself too hard seeing as how I'm 23 weeks pregnant. ( I think, I keep losing track of this) Funny how that happens the second pregnancy. Anyhoo, it didn't stop all day Sunday and Sunday night and then into Monday. To try and save my job, I went on to work on Tuesday- dumb. Sick again. Then Wednesday mid morning- the virus strikes my son.
Now any mother knows that catching vomit is about as glamourous as it gets in motherhood. But we don't care. We just want our babies better. We don't mind that last nights hot dog is on our shirt and some applesauce is in our hair- ok, maybe we mind, but there is literally nothing we can do about it. These are the messes where you just stop and stare and say, where do I even begin? Can I take everything and everybody effected straight to the shower?
And if anyone is wondering where Dad is- he's asleep. He has to work tomorrow. When there is a sick kid- it's just assumed that Mommie doesn't have a job the next day. Dusty does get up from time to time, to go do investigative work. However, that's where it begins and ends. A couple of weeks ago Gus woke up crying and Dusty goes in to investigate and comes back so pleased that he solved the crime. "It's his toe, the one the nail is barely hanging on cause he hurt it while somebody was watching him at that thing we were at" Congrats big guy, but the baby is still crying? Allow me, I've almost gotten an hours worth of sleep tonight between the baby doing riverdance in utereo making me get up to pee every hour. See I'm one of these people that it takes a while to get to sleep, so once I'm up, I'm up. I give Dusty a hard time about falling asleep once his head hits the pillow- this is jealousy.
So Gus is sick and I'm recovering and steel immune system Dad is still fine and eating everything in the cupboards like he's unafraid of this unkillable virus. My hero!! Luckily he has done all the housework and managed to get Gus to school and back on the days that I was sick. Nothing really unusual about that though since Gus rides with him back and forth most everyday. See- they're best friends according to Gus.
Do you know how many food commercials are on during the day??